Teng and his WPI team made an aqueous battery, a small lab-scale prototype that operated in the water-based electrolyte, using electrodes made mostly from abundant elements such as iron oxides and hydroxides. While the team hasn’t calculated the cost, the use of earth-abundant materials should tip the scale in their favor, Teng says. The U.S. produces over 15 million tons of scrap iron wastes that are not recycled each year, many of which exist in the form of rust. Therefore, the reported rechargeable alkaline iron battery chemistry helps repurpose the iron rust waste materials for modern energy storage.

  • Sloan the Serval
    2 years ago

    I’m going to have to see the specs. Sodium-Ion batteries are going to have a tough time as it stands trying to compete with Lithium-Ion due to their somewhat lower energy density. These Chloride-insertion Alkaline Iron batteries will need to be able to keep up.