I’ve had a shit day and figured a little Warframe might make it better.

Decide to talk to the Hex… after today I’ve decided I’m just fucking done with Quincy’s games. So, since I won’t be figuring it out myself what’s his deal? Why is he like this?

EtA: I’d gotten to the point where he tasks us to tell our worst secret, something to make him hate us. So I told him a story. He just said he had to think about it or something of the like and convo ended.

Today I come back and he says I failed and now he’s going to actually do it, tell us a story that’ll make us hate him. I took the [End] option there and just stopped the convo. Had it with his games.

  • Kaldo@dormi.zone
    2 months ago

    He’s a bit of a drama queen but he’s cool. Went from the least interesting Hex to one of my favorites, he really grew on me eventually.

    If that didn’t happen for you by the time you got to that convo then he’s just not for you and that’s okay :P

    • Halasham@dormi.zoneOP
      2 months ago

      Yeah, I think we’re just not going to like each-other. His whole transactional shtick just makes me uncomfortable.