Why is my Facebook so full of right wing baloney?
Literally every other suggested post is about anti-trans stuff or gun rights. Is it because I commented once in a thread about how Trudeau isn’t a fascist?
Why is my Facebook so full of right wing baloney?
Literally every other suggested post is about anti-trans stuff or gun rights. Is it because I commented once in a thread about how Trudeau isn’t a fascist?
@bluGill but like is this what the other not-so-smart of my friends are seeing? Is this why they all have Confederate flag stickers and shit? This isn’t really ok, there’s nobody to tell normal people to just block groups, this is making people into extremists.
@rackmountrambo they are also seeing the same type of garbage from the extreme left wing.
It is what they want, the algorithm gives you more of what you interact with, and so people interacting with the extremeists see more of it.