I donā€™t usually ever talk about things like this, especially to strangers and I will probably delete it eventually butā€¦.

Iā€™m 21. And from like age 8-20 I had a problem with stealing. And it was not because I necessarily needed to but I would usually just take candy from stores. And as stupid as sounds, thatā€™s literally the only reason why I did itā€¦because I wanted candy. Only time I took something I actually needed were some batteries and a phone charger but nothing beyond just that. I also took money from my classmates lockers and I even once almost took someoneā€™s iPod, but I was so afraid that I ended up giving it back the next day. But whatā€™s even worse is the fact that I have taken some of my brotherā€™s birthday/Christmas money that he keeps in a stash. Rough estimate at least $250. Could be less. And yes I do feel horrible about it all. And I wish I could go back in time and have never done it to begin with. Fast forward to now I have successfully fought off the urge to shoplift because I know how bad it can be for your career if you get caught. Iā€™m currently a full time college student so I donā€™t work. My dad gives me a certain amount of spending money every week to kind of help me. And I have been putting a bit of it back in my brotherā€™s stash as restitution. And no I havenā€™t told my brother because we do have a good relationship and heā€™s one of the closest people to me. I appreciate any advice. Feel free to call me a pos as well.

Edited Update: thanks for the advice and support. So basically after going back and forth about it I decided to tell my mom pretty much what I told this thread. I didnā€™t go too deep into detail in terms of listing every single thing I took but I told her enough to know whatā€™s going on. Surprisingly, she didnā€™t get angry about it. Disappointed, yes. But I know she was glad I told her. She reminded me in her humorous fashion that she ā€œreserves the right to get mad.ā€ So this weekend we plan on going to the bank to get money out of my savings and give it to my brother. Right now, heā€™s at school in a difference city and wonā€™t be back until Spring break. Thatā€™s when I plan on telling him and giving him the money and will offer to buy him lunch afterwards. I do feel better now that my mom knows but the mission isnā€™t accomplished until my brother knows. Like I said, him and I are fairly close and we rarely fight over anything besides petty stupid stuff, so I donā€™t know how he will react. Prayers and good luck would be appreciated as well as any additional advice.

  • communism@lemmy.ml
    1 month ago

    Stealing is morally neutral, but can be a dick move if itā€™s against individuals/results in the dispossession of something a person needs or cares about. But shoplifting/stealing from businesses is fine. They consider it inventory loss the same as if they dropped a bottle on the floor. Itā€™s written into their spending calculations and is an expected part of business. And quote unquote ā€œsmall businessesā€ still had enough capital to start a business in the first place, and are ultimately insignificant anyway since the petit-bourgeoisie is doomed to forever either become big bourgeoisie or become proletarianised/unpropertied; proletarianisation is a progressive force and Iā€™m not bothered if members of the petit-bourgeoisie become proletarianised, not that they will anyway purely from someone shoplifting lol.

    Just follow the standard advice. Donā€™t shit where you eat (donā€™t shoplift somewhere youā€™d be upset if you got banned from) is the main one I adhere to. If youā€™re only shoplifting small amounts I wouldnā€™t worry about cops either, for small amounts theyā€™ll just ban you from the store, at least where I live idk about everywhere.

    For individuals, I wouldnā€™t steal from them if you care about your relationship with them. If they find out theyā€™ll probably be upset. If I found out someone stole from me Iā€™d mostly be upset at the dishonesty. So itā€™s good that youā€™ve been honest with your mom and are going to tell your brother. If it were me, I would be thinking, if you need something from me you couldā€™ve just asked. Although it sounds like youā€™re not stealing because itā€™s something you particularly want or need, but just because you find stealing fun. In which case I would say just try to limit your stealing to shoplifting, or piracy if it scratches the same itch. Or steal from people you find particularly contemptible I guess.

    • HiddenLayer555@lemmy.ml
      1 month ago

      If youā€™re only shoplifting small amounts I wouldnā€™t worry about cops either, for small amounts theyā€™ll just ban you from the store, at least where I live idk about everywhere.

      Beware. A lot of stores, namely large chain stores, are tracking people who shoplift with cameras and wonā€™t press charges until youā€™ve cumulatively stolen enough for it to qualify as a serious offence with jail time and permanent criminal record.