
A YouGov poll found that 46% of Danes view the US as a major threat, surpassing concerns about North Korea and Iran but trailing Russia (86%).

Additionally, 78% oppose selling Greenland to the US, though 72% believe Greenland should decide its own fate.

The poll follows heightened tensions over Trump’s repeated claims that acquiring Greenland is an “absolute necessity” for US economic security.

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has sought European unity in response, warning of shifting relations with the US.

    1 个月前

    YouGov is a poll that pays points pr. poll. These points can be used to buy actual products or gift cards worth real money. Lots of people click through them without reading the questions.

    They sometimes add “click option 2 to verify that you’ve read the question”, but even then it’s likely that some percentages just click the right option by chance. On a short poll like this, they probably didn’t even do the check.