• RightHandOfIkaros@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    I just played whatever the forced story one is for Wakka’s last game. I managed to win 0-1 by doing nothing except spam shoot with the MC or Wakka whenever I had the chance and was close enough to the goal. Honestly its a pretty bad way to introduce the minigame, and the tutorial is also not that helpful because it doesn’t seem to tell you anything about the results screens, or techniques, or any of that other stuff. I mean there are multiple control options, and then it only explains Auto control then literally tells you “there are these other modes but dont pick them, just stay on auto.” I didn’t know how long the match was supposed to be or anything. I don’t know if the manual would have included this information either. Just seemed like the developers forgot they had all that stuff as part of the minigame too, and left it out of the tutorial.

    And another thing, the tutorial for blitzball happens and then there is a huge gap of stuff the player does before they even play blitzball. By the time I got to the minigame I was wondering if I even was supposed to play or if it was just a lore demonstration I earned for successfully doing the Jecht Shot on the transport ship earlier.

    I am glad to learn it is optional because I will not be rushing to play that again.