Well, there’s your problem. You’ve plugged a Romantic Robot into the place where your Kempston joystick should be. Never going to win at Daley Thompson’s without perfecting your waggle. Also, the Speccy will probably crash from hammering the keyboard if you try.
Midnight Resistance is one of those weird games where the first level is the hardest; it’s not too bad to finish it if you do the first bit. Fair play on Robocop, though - that’s a hard game.
In my day we played like men!
Also me:
I could complete Robocop and Midnight Resistance though.
I’m going to pretend you only used that for the pause feature and taking screenshots. Otherwise, we’re going to have a problem.
– Video Game Police
The best feature was being able to back the entire memory up to disk so I wouldn’t have to wait ten minutes to load it from tape.
Even with infinite lives, half these games were close to impossible to beat.
Well, there’s your problem. You’ve plugged a Romantic Robot into the place where your Kempston joystick should be. Never going to win at Daley Thompson’s without perfecting your waggle. Also, the Speccy will probably crash from hammering the keyboard if you try.
Midnight Resistance is one of those weird games where the first level is the hardest; it’s not too bad to finish it if you do the first bit. Fair play on Robocop, though - that’s a hard game.