Steam deck players, how did you get your game to run? My game keeps crashing on the steam deck, no matter what I do. The farthest I’ve gotten was about 5 minutes into the game, then either the game crashes or the console just shuts down. It keeps throwing DirectX error on crash. I’ve reinstalled, verified game files, even factory reset the console.

    1 year ago

    Mine was similar except that it was crashing with vulkan errors.
    which is odd because the internet claimed it would always run in dx11 on steam.

    Anyways i edited a launcher.cfg or file (can’t remember which). and i pointed both versions at the same dx11 exe file.

    After that it runs fine - i lock the deck aand game at 40 fps,
    and i think i limited the CPU to 10W. Settings are mixed medium or high textures, low on the shadows/clours/fog.