• janonymous@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    You don’t have to play 3 Game Changers for your deck to be in bracket 3. I think the “rules” are more like guard rails. It may be more helpful to consider the bracket descriptions to gauge where your decks fall. Just because your high power optimized deck adheres to the “rules” in bracket 1, doesn’t mean it is a bracket 1 deck. As they wrote, this will not protect you from bad actors.

    Edit: This is also answered in the FAQ part of the article:

    My best deck has no Game Changers and is technically a Bracket 2 deck. Should I play it there?

    You should play where you think you belong based on the descriptions. For example, if your deck has no-holds-barred power despite playing zero Game Changers, then you should play in Bracket 4!

    • TheMagicer@mtgzone.com
      1 month ago

      I don’t have too much of an idea about actual power of decks since we only play with people in our group of five (we played once against a random at LGS and we had a very bad experience since dude skimmed over the fact that Rofellos is banned and brought a T5 Ulamog against our precons), but reading the descriptions instead of the infographic moved all my decks to T2 and the one with one game changer card should be a T2 as well but it can’t fit since it’s got that lol only two or three other decks in our playgroup are actual T3 by infographic + description