This notice is also being sent by email to all users with a verified email on Pawb Social services. (Completed as of 02/13/2025)

UPDATE (02/13/2025)

ℹ️ If you received the “Important - Pawb.Social is re-structuring as an LLC!” email from us about an account you don’t recognize, or no longer wish to have, on our services and would like the account deleted:

Please email from the SAME email address, and we’ll be able to lookup your accounts and remove them.

If your account has any content, we will issue a backup to the email on file and wait 7 days before deleting the account, unless you ask us to delete it immediately after we inform you that content exists.

Begin Original Post

As of Friday, February 14th, we will be transitioning the management and ownership of our instances to PawbSocial LLC, a new limited liability company (LLC) registered in the State of Colorado.

This change is primarily driven by the desire to ensure legal protection and mitigate liability concerns in light of the current political climate, but has been a task we would have eventually needed to face as Pawb Social grows.

What does this mean?

There will be no changes to the team running any of our instances, and PawbSocial LLC will continue to be owned and operated by Crashdoom.

Donations will now be made to PawbSocial LLC, though there should be no changes necessary to existing donations. PayPal donations via Ko-fi going forward (one-time or recurring) will show PawbSocial LLC instead of “Pawb.Social”.

Existing assets and hardware bought for Pawb.Social using donations will be transferred to PawbSocial LLC’s ownership.

Our contact information remains the same: You can contact the Network Admin team by email at

We felt it important to inform all of our users of this change despite there being no change in leadership or effective ownership as a show of good faith and transparency.

We appreciate your understanding and continued support as we take these steps to ensure the long-term stability and security of our community.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.


Owner / Network Admin, PawbSocial LLC

  • Crashdoom (he/him)OPMA
    1 month ago

    In the works! We’re planning to have some info very soon, though we’re still building out an improvement for the NAS to allow us to expand the storage capacity for long term, high size file storage specifically for Pixelfed!

    • natebluehoovesMA
      1 month ago

      To add to this a bit: I am planning on using AutoTier from 45Drives to get tiered storage for pixelfed.

      New stuff on high endurance SSDs, and old pics end up on spinning rust. This would end up being ~10TB of SSD and ~50TB of HDD

      Only blocker is getting the time to really test it and make sure everyone’s data doesn’t get blackholed. Our home situation has been really challenging for the last ~6 months due to personal reasons.