Use flatpak for anything newer. Most things are already available as flatpak, only things I haven’t seen available are terminal based applications as Flatpak.
Though maybe in a future version we might get that capability. I’ve always been told you can’t install terminal based applications like neofetch or bpyTOP as flatpak. Which is kind of a bummer but not that big of a deal.
The real “scorched earth” strategy:
Edit: forgor 6. Tell everyone you use Arch
Use flatpak for anything newer. Most things are already available as flatpak, only things I haven’t seen available are terminal based applications as Flatpak.
Though maybe in a future version we might get that capability. I’ve always been told you can’t install terminal based applications like neofetch or bpyTOP as flatpak. Which is kind of a bummer but not that big of a deal.
If you’re at the level of having a personal setup script, you should be able to solve just about any problem on Arch without reinstalling.
Source: Been doing it for 10 years now, not a single reinstall.
that just sounds like nixos impermanence with extra steps
repeatedly, and put it in your bio “I use Arch, btw!”