• masterspace@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      You’re not allowed to get strapped up like a larping moron in every western country in the world that isn’t the US.

      The US would be doing a lot better if they stopped pretending like they were the only country in the world that’s ever tried to solve a problem. Owning guns just increases the chance that you or a family member will commit suicide or a murder suicide.

      • pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyz
        1 year ago

        Honestly, the gun culture is way too entrenched among the right wing for something like that to be viable and any attempt at meaningful gun legislation will ignite the civil war I’m talking about.

        The right wing is open and emphatic about their willingness to wage war with the government to be able to keep their weapons. And they are serious. There’s enough of them that they could give our military a good run for its money.

        • AngryCommieKender@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          No they wouldn’t. Our military doesn’t even need to respond most of the time, just the cops, and when they do these jackasses are so poorly trained and organized, The National Guard doesn’t even get to play with their big toys.

          Source: lefty (in both ways) Navy Veteran, and there are way more of us than the braying jackasses want to admit

          • pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyz
            1 year ago

            But not enough to stop them without the left shedding their unhelpful way of thinking on the matter and mobilize, and you know that.

        • Drgon@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          Lately I’ve been thinking that if congress got shot up as often as schools did, we would have sane gun control with bipartisan support

          • pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyz
            1 year ago

            That’s basically how it’s been, only with a very racist bent. Gun control only really became a thing once Black people started arming themselves.

            I agree with you that once people start popping off politicians that we’ll see real change on the matter. And then the right wing will be signaled to fight once they see mass disarmament programs begin, and it’ll be downhill from there.

            • Buelldozer@lemmy.today
              1 year ago

              Gun control only really became a thing once Black people started arming themselves.

              Negative. Gun Control in the United States predates the founding of the country and it was both racist and classist from the very outset. As documented in that link Gun Control laws have been around for over 200 years and were instituted against Blacks but also against the Irish, the Chinese, and Native Americans.

              Your comment is based on The Mulford Act, a stupid and racist piece of California legislation passed with bi-partisan effort and signed by then Governor Ronald Reagan in response to publicly armed Black Panthers. It wasn’t even close the first serious gun control law to get passed.

              For instance Mulford was modeled on The Sullivan Act enacted by New York State in 1911. It intentionally targeted Italian immigrants, another distinct minority at the time.

              This country has ALWAYS enacted Gun Control in response to racial and class elements.

              • pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyz
                1 year ago

                Okay, fair, my bad. You’re right.

                Also holy shit, why would any reasonable person support stupid shit like gun control in that light?

                • Buelldozer@lemmy.today
                  1 year ago

                  Also holy shit, why would any reasonable person support stupid shit like gun control in that light?

                  In yesterday’s society it was to protect the wealth and position of the Upper and Middle classes. In today’s society it’s because it seems like an obvious response to things like Mass Shootings and Gun Crime. The hidden in plain sight truth though is that modern day Gun Control proposals are doing the same thing as yesterday’s Gun Control proposals because if you have enough money they will not apply to you.

                  Pass a new Federal Assault Weapons Ban? No problem for the wealthy, they’ll just drop $20,000 on a pre-ban machine gun that can be legally transferred to them. Pass a Federal “Red Flag” law? They don’t care as they know it’ll never be enforced against them; their connections, money, and lawyers will see to it. Federal UBC? Again, no worries as their connections, money, and lawyers all make sure they won’t be impacted. Remove the 2nd Amendment and ban the private ownership of firearms? No worries, the bodyguards surrounding them and their families will still be armed, just like they are everywhere else in the world.

                  What makes it even more stupid is that no direct causal link between the number of guns in circulation and the amount of “Gun Crime”, however you define that, has ever been shown. In fact the data shows something very different than the reality most people believe in.

                  The household ownership rate has been bouncing around the low to mid 40s since 1972.. The population of the US grew from 240M in 1972 to 322M in 2014 too, so that 40% household ownership rate includes an addition 80 Million people.

                  The number of NICS (Federal Background Checks) in the United States quadrupled from 10 Million per year to 40 Million per year between 1998 and 2020.

                  Meanwhile Intentional Homicide fell from it’s high of 9.82 in 1991 to 4.4 in 2014, a decrease of 50%. Gun Crime specifically peaked in 1993 and then declined by 49% over the next 20 years.

                  In short US Citizens bought a SHIT ton of guns starting in the 90s and tens of millions of new owners were added as our population grew…all while both Violent and Gun Crime continued to drop. We have a problem for sure, but it ain’t the number of guns in circulation.

        • masterspace@lemmy.ca
          1 year ago

          So? In what world does that necessitate you owning a gun? One where Robert Evans’s civil war happens?

          The idea that everyone needs to be strapped because a few morons are, is paranoid race to the bottom thinking, not how you make a better future.

          • pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyz
            1 year ago

            The real world where without it, I stand a very high likelihood of being raped or murdered at the slightest aggression of an angry male who will always carry a power advantage over me without them, you psychopath.

            • masterspace@lemmy.ca
              1 year ago

              Oh yeah, Canadian and European women are just casually murdered and raped all the time cause they’re not strapped. That’s so totally a thing that happens and we all hear about in the news day after day!

              • pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyz
                1 year ago

                Yes, they are. 1in 6 of all women on average are raped in their lifetime. Girls under 18, those rates are 1 in 4. And many of them could have been prevented if they had a firearm.

                And you’re evil for claiming otherwise. And for insinuating women should have to accept any risk of being raped at all just to not offend your sensibilities. My sensibilities are more important than yours.

                • masterspace@lemmy.ca
                  1 year ago

                  1 in 6 women is raped in their lifetime

                  Is that stat higher in Canada / Europe or the US?

                  And many of them could have been prevented if they had a firearm.

                  [citation needed]

                  My sensibilities are more important than yours.

                  Yes you’ve made it very clear that you value your own paranoia over the statistical safety of everyone.

                  • pinkdrunkenelephants@sopuli.xyz
                    1 year ago

                    Is that star higher for Europe or the US?

                    It’s higher even than that everywhere because the number of reported rapes is lower than what the numbers show. It’s actually a lot worse. Everywhere. The numbers I gave you are estimates from RAINN.

                    But let’s say what you want to believe is right – that rape is extremely rare, too rare to justify gun ownership or self-defense in general.

                    You’re arguing that rape is rare anyway, so rape victims shouldn’t have a tool they can use to stop it from happening, and if that means any big, strong male threatens to or actually does rape them, they should just bend over and take it, and go to therapy and move on so you can make yourself feel better. If that means more completed rapes, so be it. If that means aggressors will therefore always be at an advantage and enjoy protection from you when you morally condemn and even physically force victims to stop when they try to resist, all the better. If that means even survivors will likely die from pregnancy complications because of so may countries around the world imposing abortion bans specifically so men can forcibly impregnate them against their will, too bad. Fuck them bitches – literally.

                    It doesn’t matter that it is very much worse than death – in fact, that’s what you’re gonna argue next, because you don’t care about other people or human life. You only care about being right.

                    And no sane person thinks like you.

                    You’re sick.

                    [citation needed]

                    Resisting against rapists works:

                    When confronted with a sexual attacker, women are often extremely concerned with avoiding rape completion. While narrative reviews typically suggest that the victim resistance is linked to rape avoidance, much of the existing literature relies on overlapping samples from the National Crime Victimization Survey. The current meta-analysis examines whether victim resistance is related to a greater likelihood of avoiding rape completion. Results from a systematic literature search across 25 databases supplemented by a search of the gray literature resulted in 4,581 hits of which seven studies met eligibility criteria for the review. Findings suggest that women who resist their attacker are significantly more likely than nonresisters to avoid rape completion. This finding held across analyses for physical resistance, verbal resistance, or resistance of any kind. Limitations of the analysis and policy implications are discussed, with particular focus on other research findings that resistance may be linked to greater victim injury.

                    Wong JS, Balemba S. The Effect of Victim Resistance on Rape Completion: A Meta-Analysis. Trauma Violence Abuse. 2018 Jul;19(3):352-365. doi: 10.1177/1524838016663934. Epub 2016 Aug 12. PMID: 27519993.

                    Resisting rapists doesn’t actually result in greater physical injury:

                    The impact of victim resistance on rape completion and injury was examined utilizing a large probability sample of sexual assault incidents, derived from the National Crime Victimization Survey (1992-2002), and taking into account whether harm to the victim followed or preceded self-protection (SP) actions. Additional injuries besides rape, particularly serious injuries, following victim resistance are rare. Results indicate that most SP actions, both forceful and nonforceful, reduce the risk of rape completion, and do not significantly affect the risk of additional injury.

                    Tark, Jongyeon & Kleck, Gary. (2014). Resisting Rape The Effects of Victim Self-Protection on Rape Completion and Injury. Violence against women. 20. 10.1177/1077801214526050.

                    Stop fucking telling women not to resist rape:

                    Women’s resistance strategies to rape were examined using police reports and the court testimonies of 274 women who either avoided rape or were raped by subsequently incarcerated sex offenders. The sequence of behaviors in the offender-victim interaction was analyzed to determine whether women who resist rape with physical force are, as some have suggested, exacerbating the potential for physical injury or are simply responding to the severity of the offender’s physical attack. The results indicated that 85% of the women in the study who resisted with physical force did so in response to the offender’s initiated violence. The remaining 15% who resisted with physical force did so in response to the offender’s verbal aggression. Moreover, those women who responded with physical aggression to the offender’s violent physical attack were more likely to avoid rape than were women who did not resist such force. Also, the potential for physical injury was no greater for these women than for those who used other resistance strategies or who offered no resistance. These analyses suggest that the frequently found correlation between physical resistance and injury of the woman might be the result of the initial level of the offender’s violence and should not be used to discourage women from physically resisting rape.

                    ULLMAN, S. E., & KNIGHT, R. A. (1992). Fighting Back: Women’s Resistance to Rape. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 7(1), 31–43. https://doi.org/10.1177/088626092007001003

                    Guns allow for more effective resistance:

                    What are the consequences when rape victims resist rapists? Analysis of a nationally representative sample of rape incidents reported in the National Crime Surveys for 1979 to 1985 yields the following findings: (1) Victims who resist are much less likely to have the rape completed against them than nonresisting victims, a pattern generally apparent regardless of the specific form of resistance: (2) The form of resistance that appears most effective in preventing rape completion is resistance with a gun, knife, or other weapon: (3) Most forms of resistance are not significantly associated with higher rates of victim injury. The exceptions are unarmed forceful resistance and threatening or arguing with the rapist: (4) Even these two forms of resistance probably do not generally provoke rapists to injure their victims, as ancillary evidence concerning assaults and robberies indicates that resistance rarely precedes injury. Attack against the victim appears to provoke victim resistance, rather than the reverse: (V Only about three percent of rape incidents involve some additional injury that could be described as serious. Thus it is the rape itself that is nearly always the most serious injury the victim suffers. Consequently, refraining from resistance in order to avoid injury in addition to the rape is a questionable tradeoff.

                    Kleck, Gary & Sayles, Susan. (1990). Rape and Resistance. Social Problems - SOC PROBL. 37. 149-162. 10.1525/sp.1990.37.2.03a00020.

                    Now sit down and shut the fuck up you worthless rape apologist

                    You are an enemy to women and freedom-loving people everywhere. Including us independents.

                    Yes you’ve made it very clear that you value your own paranoia over the statistical safety of everyone.

                    You’ve made it very clear that you value being superior to others over their literal lives, so you’re not anyone that should be taken seriously.

                    You’re evil.

            • AngryCommieKender@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              You’re more likely to be killed by a mosquito than raped, and men are far more likely to be murdered than you. You might want to reevaluate your threat assessment.