I was at the grocery store the other day and there was a bin of American broccoli completely full and untouched. The Canadian broccoli bin? Empty. Canadians would literally rather give up broccoli than buy American.

I for one picked had broccoli on my grocery list but opted for cauliflower instead.

  • shalafi@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Doing the same thing I’ve been doing for years. Been focusing on my “main” guns, getting better with 9mm, AR and 12-gauge. Working on shelter and supplies far from here. Actually working on all that this week, off till Friday!

    If they come for my legal immigrant wife, they’re getting blasted through the fucking door.

    If Red Shirts come knocking, they’re getting blasted through the fucking door.

    What else is in my power? Marches and protests are a fucking joke. A general strike is the only power the masses have, and these masses voted for Trump. My fat-as-fuck fellow Americans dare not miss a meal to take a single day off.