As a compliment to the thread about near death experiences I’d really like hearing people’s experiences of losing consciousness under general anesthesia and what’s it like coming back.

Also interested of things anesthetists may have noticed about this during their career.

    1 year ago

    I’ve had several surgeries. Two types of anaesthetic.

    First was when I was 4 years old, in the 1980s. Was a gaseous anaesthetic, through a gas mask.

    It was a kind of quasi-consciousness, not that I remember having trains of thought or self-actualization, but I remember there being a feeling of the passage of time. I remember seeing colors. No pain during the procedure.

    Second type of anaesthetic was for my second and third surgeries (aged 13 and 17), a normal liquid, IV-administered anaesthetic. This one was just a complete knock out blank for me. No cognizance of anything. I was just out in one moment during the backward from 10 countdown, and aware again in the recovery room, in what felt like 3 to 5 seconds later (it was, of course, a couple of hours later).

    This second type of anaesthetic had the interesting post-surgery side effect of continuing to knock me out (with no time passage perceived) for hours after the surgery. I would, in my perception, blink, and my visitors would suddenly warp across the room because my eyes hadn’t been shut for .1 second like it felt to me, but actually a couple of hours per occurrence, of dreamless, non-time-passing “sleep”. Not an experience I’d had before, or since. The last surgery (17) was a bit less disconcerting in regards to this, because I knew in advance about the effect from the previous surgery (13) .