As a bisexual you’re welcome I guess
We’re doing our part!
Both your parts.
Oh I’m.sure there are plenty of us. Still hiding. Sadly
Are we still considered “greedy” by both straight and gay people?
I swear, not all of us are sluts. I am, but not all of us.
Thank you for your service 🫡
Thank you for your service 🫡
I brought balance
Huh, what app is it that shoves adverts into browsing Lemmy?
And how many americans now identify as nazis? Asking for the entire world…
~10% of Americans are LGBTQ+. ~22.6% of the US population voted for Trump in the most recent election.
Is voting participation that low?!
Well, you gotta consider everyone under 17yo can’t vote, and then, there’s all the people in prison and all the other disenfranchised citizens who have had their voting rights stripped by conservatives.
that figure must be of the overall population.
63.7% overall voter turnout nationwide in 2024.
five states with the highest turnout were:
Minnesota (76.4%), Wisconsin (76.40%), Michigan (74.7%), New Hampshire (74.4%), and Colorado (73.1%).
2020 was the highest nationwide at 66.6%.
more numbers at ballotpedia
Right, that makes sense, thank you.
that figure must be of the overall population.
I’d thought so, but forgot there’s actually people who cannot vote (shocker), so in my mind I went “okay, near-70% turnout, so why didn’t he get closer to 35% rather than 20?”… but this in addition to the turnout this time being lower than I remembered makes waaaay more sense, lol.
And tens of millions of americans just didn’t care enough to vote. That was basically saying they are fine with a pedo-rapist who previously attack the captitol win the election. Nazi-enablers.
Or maybe they didn’t want to vote for someone they didn’t like.
Meaning they were fine with any of both candidate winning…
Meaning they were not fine with either winning.
I would like to ask, what is the point of voting according to you?
At the very least it’s harm reduction.
Harris wouldn’t be trying to dismantle the government right now if she had won.
Harm reduction is great, but if I do not see a candidate that represents me I am not going to vote.
Why would I support someone that is fucking me over?
If I had the final say in who gets to be president I might have picked Harris, but honestly, your vote is not going to change the outcome of the election, so why compromise your morality?
That’s some poor logic
There were candidates for every political orientation
Well I doubt the person I responded to would approve of voting for third party candidates. He probably thinks everyone who votes for them is a Trump-loving fascist.
That’s true, but at least we wouldn’t have the conversation that one third of the population doesn’t give a shit
I could have sworn I read somewhere that it’s likely 10% anyway, like 20 years ago. That was the scientific estimate of the time, although I don’t though it included the same definition.
That was an estimate. Around that time only about 2-4% identified as gay but it was estimated the real number was higher because homophobia kept most people in the closet.
Yes that’s what I meant by likely. I think it was slightly more than a guess, though. Something about a percentage of people not having kids being good for evolution or something. Not sure how that works, though, so don’t that my word on that.
i vaguely remember a health teacher in jr or sr high saying something like that (this would be back in the '80s)… “about 10 percent, that’s the same as at least three of your classmates…” (in that class)…
and then the students kinda all looked around, eyeballin’ everybody… as if they were counting… yup. checks out. one of them blurted out “that’s kinda low, don’cha think?” --this bit is why i remember the class. and she was right. it was low.
I agree. It’s really hard to count since so many people love in denial. Bisexual is particularly hard to count, and there’s plenty of women who fancy the idea given just how awful men are sometimes.
Edit but not really, but I like “love in denial”. Happy typo I’m keeping.
Thanks for saying this. There’s literally a gay sex shop called One in Ten in my city, for this reason, that’s been around forever.
There was a radio show in Boston for the gay and lesbian community 30 years ago called 1 in 10.
1-in-10 has been the stat for decades.
Right? I remember a couple decades ago when things just started opening up for lgbtq people that scientists studying sexuality gave estimates that 1:10 people were likely not going to fit the hetero “norm”.
Looks like they nailed it.
I just saw someone right here on Lemmy in another thread conflating sexuality with sex.
It astounds me that in 2025 people don’t understand that sexuality is about attraction. You can be a virgin. You can be asexual and still attracted to people of your own gender. You can be gay or bi or whatever regardless of how much or how little sex you’ve ever had.
Because a lot of the traditional hetero relationships that Christians have are only different from their other relationships because of the sex. They don’t get an emotional and spiritual connection in their relationship, and protect on to others that it’s the same.
Who could have guessed a significant portion of the population wouldn’t magically find their attraction to people exclusively split along a very specific line of biological and social characteristics in over 99% of cases? What a shocking revelation that maybe a lot of people just like who they like regardless of gender or sex.
Personally, I expect to see this number of people outwardly identifying as bi significantly rise as time goes on.
Being old, I recall in the 1990s the number of Americans identifying as homosexual or bisexual was published as either 7% or 8% of the population. I was involved in the arts, where our group estimate was, with a lot of people were still closetted, the real percentage would be closer to 12% to 15%. Reading this and considering the way the US has gone since then, I think we were probably right, and I’d even go so far as to say perhaps a little low.
I was involved in the arts
I mean….
There were and are many more people involved in the arts who are not gay than who are, and gay people have family and friends outside their professional world. But, yeah, just go ahead and jump to the nearest convenient stereotype, mmm?
That said, average gay participation was definitely higher at that time, which, I (totally straight, btw) always thought made it more likely we as a group would have a better idea, given all the personal connections to the homophobic, the seriously closetted et alia of the underlying reality. I stand by that assessment.
The thing that always amazes me about those that oppose LGBT is that LGBT is literally about the freedom to love egoevrt you want to love, including loving yourself how you are.
Those that hate LGBT just can’t stop talking about hate and spite.
I think in some/most cases it is psychological projection, and in others it’s fear of the unknown. People either are secretly LGBT and hate themselves, or their brains just can’t comprehend the fact that some people are attracted to other genders.
Which gets me back to the question: why hate? Why would you feel the need to hate people that are different
Wish I knew. It’s a horrible emotion to feel. I truly don’t understand how people go through their lives with so much hate.
It’s projection that they think relationships are only about sex because their hetero relationships are only about sex and devoid of the spiritual and emotional connections that SHOULD exist in a relationship
Also this yes
Those that hate LGBT just can’t stop talking about hate and spite.
Don’t forget their weird obsession with the genitals of complete strangers. It consumes their ability to ponder things that matter.
I recall seeing this oost where they want to install cameras in bathrooms to have Ai check if you have the right genitals
Is “Thanks Bisexuals” the new “Thanks Obama”? I hope so.
Hell yeah dude, bisexuals doing our part to get those numbers up.
Tune in next month for the new letter!
You are welcome, us bisexuals have done our best to infect more people to raise the numbers.
Feel like the wording of this headline implies that all Gen Z is LGBTQ+
Not saying that would be a bad thing to be clear
No, but I remember seeing another recent poll about a year ago where the results were that about 20% of GenZ identify as LGBTQ.
This would imply that 10% is the acceptance rate (which has gone up “thanks to GenZ’s contribution”) and the actual rate is higher than this, but that part is missing from the information.
I’m doing my part!
All girls wanna do is lie, be gay, and eat hot chip