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Dragon Rider (drag) being banned from the following communities for sharing DMs:
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Edit: Image description for Brits:
Dragon Rider (drag) being banned from the following communities for sharing DMs:
Absolutely. Here are screenshots of the email notifications I received, as well as some of the disgusting DMs they sent me (I censored it):
Horrible messages and mentions by drag's harassment alt
Context: Original post was asking admins to give out my IP address so drag could hunt me down and kill me.
This is all from the first time.
Here’s also one of the DMs they spammed me recently:
More DM harassment
Yes I censored this one as well.
That’s fucking disgusting, with the cyberflashing and name calling. Jesus Christ.
Yeah it’s really gross. They are legitimately a disgusting and evil person.
Drag does come across as a troll for sure, I’ve just never seen this awfulness from drag. Pretty sickening. Thats the nudge I needed to block drag.
For what it’s worth, I hope it’s come across clearly that nobody who has zero tolerance towards misgendering is OK with this kind of behavior from Drag. I’m sorry you’ve been harassed like that.