Severance, I think you all should watch it too. It’s quite unique, great acting, filming and writing. You’ll be scratching your head quite often though
Which season are you on? I’m curious which bits you find confusing.
I’m still waiting to understand >!what the company is actually doing and why it seems to be something like a cult thats running it.!<
Season 2, watching every new episode as it comes out :)
So many things that are left unexplained! I feel every episode, a few questions are answered, but for every question answered there are 5 new ones haha
The Keir family and the cult is really weird, but I have no idea why it is that way or how it fits together with other companies (do they even exist?). What does the world outside Kier, PE (also, tf is PE) look like? What does MDR really do (and why)? What about other deparments (we haven’t seen)?
I’ve been fully converted to binging, so it looks like it’ll be another month before I “can” watch it. Very much looking forward to it though!
I don’t know if I’d be able to.
I know it’s kind of a stupid reason, but Adam Scott’s face is so off putting that I can barely watch the trailers.
Something about his hair in the show and I guess lighting and makeup makes him look really different to me.
Revisiting Supernatural, starting from S1E1. Never seen all of it, so I have a few hours ahead of me😅
Stop at the end of season 5. That was meant to be the end of the show.
Man you’re in for a ride if you watch the full thing. Be warned that season 6 is a bit rough.
man i used to love supernatural but had to finally stop trying at season 7. the show just felt like they ran out of ideas and it was painful to watch. I’ve never finished it
Whenever they shifted focus to Crowley is when things got more interesting. I mostly just watched for Dean being Dean.
Prepare to be disappointed
My son rewatches it every year and complains about crying at the end every time.
It’s been a few years for me. I could start over.
Mythic Quest. Created by Rob McElhenney and Charlie Day (Mac and Charlie from Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia), stars Rob McElhenney and Danny Pudi (Abed from Community). It’s been on my back burner for a while because the description didn’t sound that great. Now I’m wishing I hadn’t slept on it for so long.
If you’ve been considering it, just watch the first episode. You will be instantly hooked.
The new season has been pretty good, except for the one where they went to the Iron forge. That one seemed kind of all over the place. Only real low point in the whole show for me so far.
Deadwind, police procedural crime series from Finland, on Netflix. Only subbed, no English audio available; so it takes some focus - I tried before but was too tired, but now that I got into it, it’s a pretty good story with believable characters.
Watching a lot of current stuff, but also re-watching the Netflix Daredevil series in anticipation of the D+ Born Again series. They go so hard with that show.
I’m hyped as well. I loved all the Netflix Marvel offerings aside from Iron Fist season 1 and Punisher, so I hope eventually more of the characters migrate their way over.
Watched Bad Monkey. I’ve enjoyed Carl Hiaasen books in the past, and this is has that vibe. A little too much Vince Vaughn, though.
I felt like he was desperate to show he could still do his thing. Still looking forward to season 2.
It was enjoyable, but he became insufferable about half to ⅔ of the way through. Didn’t realize there would be a season2, but it makes sense.
Also saw Reacher started a new season. I’m debating it, because I was not impressed with how the last season ended. I’ve read all the books and I think they really went overboard at the end of season 2. It’s too bad because the first season was perfect, IMO.
So far third seems better than second. But there are only three episodes out.
Partner and I have been working through One Piece, about to hit episode 600. Aside from that, mostly we’ve been watching season three of Resident Alien and a lot of Sorted Food on youtube.
Ugh i aught to start in on onepace… The animation and pace of the first couple hundred episodes has me dead on the water after the first 10 or so. Just can’t bring myself to keep watching. Hopefully something more to the point will help.
Yeah tbh when we started it we were sort of just giving it a shot because we didn’t have anything else to watch at the moment. For about the first 30 episodes we kept saying “this is fine, we’ll probably stop it as soon as we have something better to watch.” But then boom, Arlong Park happens from episode 31 through 45, and basically as soon as we finished Arlong Park we understood something had changed and that now we were gonna see it through to the end.
Honestly it’s hard to recommend One Piece to anyone, because it is insanely frustrating at times, especially in terms of pacing, and it’s a legitimate commitment to get into… But goddamn, once it gets going, there’s just nothing like it. The only thing I could even remotely compare One Piece to is not any other anime, it’s literally the goddamn Odyssey by Homer. That’s the kind of scale we’re dealing with here. We’re only halfway through and I already feel like One Piece is one of the greatest and most important pieces in television or animation history, but it is not without effort.
Oh regarding the art style and animation, yeah, One Piece is fucking ugly at time, especially in the first 100 episodes. It does genuinely get a lot better, especially the animation (later fight scenes go crazy), but I have to admit that as much as I genuinely love One Piece, the art is absolutely not one of the selling points. There are hundreds of better-looking anime out there, no doubt.
I watched up to about episode 400 or 500 but just couldn’t keep going. The manga is still going and it feels like the story will just drag on forever. At some point it just got too tedious and I never got back into it.
Super fair. I kept expecting to get there, but haven’t yet. So far I’m still loving it, though I’ll admit there’s been plenty of low times that felt like a real slog. And of course I still have like half the series so far to go, so who knows what the future holds?
Nice! Thanks for the write up! I appreciate this a lot more than the “it’s the best ever and i won’t soil anything fur you” response that’s so common.
Good to know about Arlong Park!
I’ve seen the animation style later in the series and that’s just fine. Just have to get past the 4:3 480p stuff
The art of one piece is an interesting time capsule, because it has been running so long you can see how the art and technique changes. It started in 1999 after all.
Absolutely true. In fact, a funny effect that happens is as the show goes on it becomes increasingly jarring when they use flashbacks to earlier episodes because the juxtaposition between the ever-improving art and the genuinely ugly episode art becomes ever-increasingly disparate!
That said, regarding it starting in 1999, while I agree on the time capsule aspect, I have point out that as a 40yr old man who has been watching anime since single-digit age, One Piece was indisputably ugly even by 1999 standards. By this point we already had Cowboy Bebop, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Rurouni Kenshin, Ghost in the Shell… Hell, I think Love Hina came out the following year and in terms of appearance it absolutely blows the first 100 episodes of One Piece out of the water, no contest.
So yes, One Piece is a cool time capsule to see how an artist can grow and develop over time, but I’d hesitate to call it an accurate time capsule reflective of anime as a whole.
Ok. Finally motivated to try OnePace! Also accepted i just don’t like subs. The dub is actually really good too!
Already feels more modern and mature. Think i can watch it now!
Yeah I watched a bit of One Pace with a friend to catch them up and it was pretty great, but my partner felt like we were missing out on something so we switched back over to the full episodes. But in general One Pace is solid way to approach the series. Hope you enjoy it!
I’ve been rewatching Deadwood the last couple weeks
Reacher season three, and traitors UK season two.
Twin Peaks: The Return – liking it so far.
Yellowjackets season 3 – meh so far
Barry, Dominion, From
At what point does From start getting good? I’ve watched a few episodes (it’s too scary for the old lady so I can only watch it alone at night) but even when I don’t watch it for a while I feel like I could stop and not regret finishing it.
Good meaning what? I. Just finished season 2 and I fully expect another Lost at this point - engaging, always hinting at a resolution, but never delivering.
Might not be your cup of tea. I don’t remember when exactly, but when they delve a bit more into the monsters. Season 2 for sure.
It’s got a very Lost vibe, I really dig it.
Giving The Walking Dead a rewatch. Haven’t watched since its original run and I dropped off around s4 or 5 back then so I’ve been binging it a bit to get back to where I was.
Just finished rewatching The Owl House for, like, the 3rd time.
we loved watching this with our kid, we were so upset it got cancelled 😭
Despite that, I think they managed to resolve it extremely well!
I’ve only watched Lost. It’s a long series
Just finished binge watching it the other day. It’s crazy to think it’s been 20 years since I originally watched it.
Imo it works way better if you binge it. There are tons of issues with the plot, but if you don’t have time to think about it, the show is pretty good.