Sorry for a rant against Windows in a linux community, though this feels like best place to rant.

I recently started work on Windows, and I expected everything to just work well. After all, that’s the point of Windows! It is the first-class citizen, where things work out-of-the-box.

Yet my experience wasn’t so great.

  1. Printers, the bane of IT. HP has dedicated drivers to it, which they should support well. It should JUST work, right? Right?? No, it randomly fails to detect printers, says a printer is off, reports missing papers when it has enough, fails to print a normal document while being able to print test pages. It also seems like driver-OS communication is not quite great, as they often give different status.
  2. While in a zoom meeting, I plugged in my earphone. Then, zoom froze. Really, how can plugging an earphone cause a freeze? Even quitting zoom and re-entering did not work. In the end, I had to turn my computer off and on again, and couldn’t use my earphone. It has been quite embarrassing and enraging experience. What a disruption from something which should work out-of-the-box…
  3. PuTTY and WinSCP is way more clunky than ssh in terminal. I don’t like the GUI with decades old visual, with confusing settings here and there. Each app having separate terminal turns me off as well.
  4. Windows 10 does have multiple virtual desktop support. Yet funnily enough, clipboard contents are separate for each virtual desktop. Who thought this is a good idea??

Basically, hardware support is still hit-or-miss with Windows (I thought this was linux-only issue), and connection to linux server is not so stellar. How can people love these?

    1 month ago

    Windows feels less stable today than it has been for a long time. I spend so long, on every Windows computer, waiting for windows that have turned white and say “not responding” in the title bar. I use Linux for almost everything, partly out of principle, but largely because the Windows experience is so slow and frustrating these days. For the most part, the friendlier Linux distros do a better job of just working.