Using the word “czar” in US gov titles is hilarious.
Maybe more appropriate now than ever.
Shouldn’t affordability emerge from the rest of your economic policy instead of appointing one guy to run in the opposite direction from everything else your government is doing?
Oh, nooo…you see, that’s not how the blame game works. When you lie about something, and you need someone else to blame, you have to hire them first, THEN you blame them to act like it’s not your fault.
Most effective plan would be seppuku.
One useless role after another.
This guys looks like someone who would say the $10 banana line unironically.
What’s with the recent fascination with the word czar?
Recent as in the past couple decades when we started using the term “border czar”?
Pretty sure “drug czar” has been around long before my time.
Edit: Google says border czar was popularized under Clinton, drug czar was first used by Nixon and popularized under Reagan
Lmao is he for real gonna try to do a command economy…?