US Department of Education has a “DEI Tip Line” that let’s you submit a complaint.
If anyone wants the link, Here it is.
So I should report things like anyone trying to claim the civil war was unrelated to slavery? Or anyone trying to paint the Confederates as anything other than rebels?
Or anyone trying to push ideologies that conflict with scientific consensus like evolution and climate change?
Or the ridiculous notion that capitalism is a good thing?
I agree. Any schools that teach Christianity as truth, abstinence-only education, or climate change denial should be reported.
Any schools that indoctrinate children into being strictly heterosexual and cisgender should also be investigated.
We can’t let these harmful ideologies stand. Think of the children.
They’re just so god damn incompetent…
<The>The U.S. Department of Education ... Impact Assessment.</p>
… they’re starting a paragraph with the well know <The> tag and then closing with </p> -_-
learning free of divisive ideologies and indoctrination
So we can report all the states trying to push the ten commandments, prayer, and the bible back in school, right?
Noooo not like that!
That would be infringing on their freedom of religion. We can’t allow any infringement on religious freedom because then teachers might push al-wājib al-ʿashar, salah, and the Quran in schools, which would infringe on the students’ religious freedom. It’s very simple. What part don’t you get? /s
It really bugs me that “divisive” is used as the bad word. There are so many reasons for something to be “divisive”.
It’s like saying “don’t make people angry” but treating “punched someone in the face” and “a man held hands with his husband” as the same. They both made someone angry so they’re both bad!!
If people are divided on a topic you should figure out why, what’s true and what’s false and in between, and resolve it. Don’t just sweep it under the rug as a thing you’re not allowed to talk about.
It’s because “divisive” sounds better than any of “diverse,” “equitable,” or “inclusive.”