TLDR: I just need to know if anything else is needed. Essentially, the basic question is what all do I need to obtain a 1911 and CPL legally in Michigan.

Hello all and good morning/evening depending on where you are. I’ve been a lurker on this subreddit for quite some time and I now have a question that I am unable to answer. Due to recent events coming to light within The United States, I would like to arm myself. My friend has been helping me with what she can, but she I have exhausted her ability to answer any of my questions. So I figured I’d come here. I turned 21last yr, I know that in order to obtain a pisto and CPL l you have to be 21 in the state of Michigan. What else is required to obtain a pistol? If it helps the pistol I’m going to get that’s my EDC. It’s a 45 1911 GI spec….Yes it’s a big gun… but I have big hands unfortunately and the 1911 is the only thing that feels comfortable when I hold it. I just don’t exactly know what all is necessary to obtain the firearm. I’ve done research. I’ve done reading and it’s just very confusing from what I’ve read.

What I know: I know that I need to buy the gun online and pay for it. It gets shipped over to a license dealer.

I then go there and do a background check.

Link to Subreddit Post

    9 days ago

    A 45 is a big gun. Even if it fits your hand you’ll be less accurate with it without practice. It’s got a big kick back. I’d recommend a nine and go to the range. For that matter, even a 22 for practice. It’s important to practice and rounds get expensive the bigger they are. Find a holster you like too. Don’t just put it in your pants. I would also think about hiw you plan on securing it when you’re not home. A safe or trigger lock.