As an aside, it’s interesting how “Jack Daniel’s” is the brand name, with the apostrophe-s ending. It makes it a bit difficult to construct sentences talking about it. If you write “the maker of Jack Daniel’s is Brown-Foreman” it makes it seem like you misused an apostrophe or forgot a noun, like it should be “the maker of Jack Daniel’s whiskey is Brown-Foreman”, but that’s also wrong because it’s not the whiskey belonging to Jack Daniel, who’s dead.
I enjoy seeing the seditionist red states being hit by this. I have no empathy for these people other than blue voters in these states.
I guess the leopards are drinking their faces now.
“Piiiiinooooooooooooot Noiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrr”
You brought thus upon yourself, Kentucky.
It’s from Tennessee, thank you very much. Bourbon isn’t a regionally classified spirit, but Tennessee Whisky is!
Love my state; hate my statewide politicians. SMH
Good, keep it up. Put the pain on us in the US. We need to learn our lesson.
Now say please… good girl. Now thank Daddy… that’s right.
There are some US products that are gonna be difficult to replace. This is not one of them 😂
The way country music romanticizes (read: shills) Jack Daniels you’d think it’s the greatest spirit ever distilled, rather than the disgusting swill it actually is.
Is Epic Meal Time still a thing? I remember them using Jack Dagniels for some syrup and other dishes.
They always had better branding than booze. I’ve always been partial to tulamoor dew. I wonder who makes that? I’ll be back with an edit
Edit: it’s scotch/Irish Wiki
Hay man, it’s also glorified in hard rock as well as tv and film. It’s Americana to the maxx!
Jack Daniel’s is a Tennessee company, which voted overwhelmingly for Trump (60+%) in 2016, 2020 and 2024.
“But why did they eat MY face!?!”
I checked their donations and while pleasantly surprised still don’t really care. For Americans they’re a fine option, for Canadians don’t buy American
It doesn’t matter if they’re a good company or not. It causes them to put pressure on the government.
You know what’s worse than pulling things off the shelves? Threatening the sovereignty of foreign nations and then making up bullshit tariffs to do so
Probably shouldn’t have elected a stampeding bull for a president
A demented evil orange piece of shit? Like some sort or rapist nazi pedo asshole? That?
Ya, but I tried staying contextual in my description 😉
Gotcha. Context is not usually one of my driving factors.
Completely understandable, especially given *gestures broadly*.
We should do that in europe too!
As a (hopefully soon to be ex) American: do it! Pull all our whiskeys. Between the UK, Ireland, Canada, and Japan, you can replace just about anything we make.
I saw a video about American booze being taken off the shelf, and it got interrupted by an ad for Jameson. That ad happened to talk about how very Irish Jameson is.
Jameson’s marketing team is on the ball LOL.
Sure, we’ll buy European booze, and maybe you could buy Canadian booze when you can. Also maybe Ireland and France could ratify CETA please? We will buy your whiskeys and wines, really odd that those two countries are holding out on us on that.
Go tell it to your dumb ass president.
Y’all are focusing too much on the single brand here. Yes, Brown Forman owns Jack Daniels, and yes, JD is not very good (and far worse than other American whiskeys in the same price range, whether we’re talking the black label or their fancier offerings).
But Brown Forman also owns Woodford Reserve and Old Forester, which have good bourbons in their respective lineups. And, it should be noted, they also own the Scotch Whisky brands Glendronach, Benriach, and Glenglassaugh.
And what non-Canadians might not realize is that the Liquor Control Board of Ontario pretty much has a monopoly on spirits sold in Ontario, whose 15 million people account for about 40% of the Canadian population. If LCBO chooses not to purchase American spirits, that means it will basically be impossible to legally buy American spirits in Ontario, whether in a retail store, a bar, or a restaurant.
And as additional context, the American bourbon industry is facing down a bit of a contraction/recession/downturn in the coming years. Demand is softening up for most whiskeys, especially high end bourbons, compared to where they were a few years ago. Expect to see layoffs, fire sales, and bankruptcies.
I’ve been coming to the understanding that “bourbon” is like champagne in that it doesn’t describe a type of alcohol so much as alcohol of that type produced in a specific region (though with the caveat that there might be factors about that region that also means boubon is a distinct type of alcohol due to those factors). If that’s accurate, wouldn’t it mean that “the American bourbon industry” is redundant like “the French champagne industry” would be? All Bourbon is American.
Jack Daniels has a nickname here and it’s not positive xD
“Drain cleaner”
Dear Mr. Daniel,
I’m sorry that a store pulling things from their shelves is hurting your business, but I thought you should know that this is not even the tip of the iceberg.
Regardless of what any store does, I will simply not be buying Jack Daniel’s, probably ever, along with a slew of other things, as many as I possibly can.There are so many better whiskeys around the world that I certainly don’t need to.
I empathize with the collateral damage this may cause, and hope that something, anything really, is eventually enough for y’all fuckers to start thinking about getting your shit together.
In the meantime, I will simply Buy Anything But American.I am just one person, but I am not alone.
Fix your shit or get fucked,
A random CanadianI will simply not be buying Jack Daniel’s, probably ever, along with a slew of other things
American here. You aren’t alone by any stretch. Once people and countries establish alternatives they very likely won’t switch back. Farmers found out the hard way the first time but they aren’t very smart so here we are. Also, tariffs are considered an act of war by many.
I can’t even smell the stuff it’s horrible.
And I drink Laphroaig neat.
Liquid bandaids
Are Jack and Laphroaig on similar levels? I know import vs domestic drives the prices apart some, but I just assumed Jack was more like a “cheap top shelf”.
Oh goodness me, no. Think Rose Art vs Crayola, respectively.
They seem like different animals to me. I wouldn’t compare the two.
I can’t speak of higher end Jack, but Laphroaig base is far better than Jack base.
Yeah that’s been my experience, too, which is why the comment comparing the two confused me.
Someone commented that it was the smell they were comparing… not the taste. I like peaty smell so didn’t make sense.
no the joke is I like something that smells debateably awful.
Laphroaig is a punch you in the face level peaty/smokey Scotch
It’s one of my favorites!
I’d buy some but it’s likely to be 150% more expensive by the time I get to it.
I wonder what happens to the US economy if many citizens stop making large or discretionary purchases.
I don’t know either, but it can’t be good.
its going to end up like soybean tariffs with china, china found other sources of soybeans from asia, and south america, and largely ditched USA. im sure canada will do the same with alcohol.
Alcohol will be easy to replace but have a long term impact. Canada has had a growing micro-distillery industry for years now, pulling US liquor from shelves and the general increaseing “Buy Canada” intuitive creates a significant business opportunity for them. This will force people to switch from their usual drink, and once someone finds something else they like, it will be hard to court them back even after the trade war is done.
But Four Roses tho :(
Good. Lets stop drug passing the border.