Seen a few links here and there for private C-PTSD discord/signal/matrix/etc groups, but most of the links I’ve found are dead. Seems to be a “you gotta know a guy that knows a guy” sort of schtick, so anybody here know anything? There’s nothing here for heavier stuff on lemmy, and all the public stuff everywhere else sucks, so anything is appreciated, thanks.
I’m willing to start one, but since i don’t like disclosing personal information it probably won’t (cant) be kickstarted by me.
What do you mean exactly? I’m very confused by that lol, somethings probably flying right over my head, but I don’t see why you’d need to disclose any personal information to start something.
I mean, I don’t like going too in depth about myself so i’m not going to make too many posts there, but maybe pin some resources