Hey everyone.
I thought I’d make a post for anyone to comment on with suggestions they’d like to see in this community. Seeing as it’s starting to get quite a bit more active, and now that we have several mods, we should probably make it more professional looking, with a proper sidebar and maybe some other features you might have seen in another community that you liked.
If anyone has seen ideas they’d like to see here, feel free to suggest them in the comments on this post and myself and the other mods can possibly implement them. I’ll leave this post pinned so it’s easy to access, in case you read this and have an idea later on.
Hard enforce English or French posts, as opposed to mods doing it. (i.e., change community settings, you can also ask me)
Edit: I realized it’s not full proof.
Suggestion: A weekly challenge thread for people to try at least one new Canadian product and post about it.
I’ve been doing this in my personal life. I find it shifts my thinking away from ‘ugh, I can’t find X’ and more towards 'Hey, what options are there that I have never considered because I’ve been sleepwalking through shopping and buying brands I recognize?"
Ooh I like that idea. Any thoughts on a good name for it? I’ll make the post later on this week and see how it goes
Hmm. Something alliterative is always fun.
"Try Canadian Tuesday,’ ‘Made in Canada Monday.’ Though using a day in the name implies it’s a particular day thing.
If you don’t want to use a specific day, could do something like ‘Weekly Northern Novelties,’ ‘The Maple Market Mission’ or ‘Buy Canada Challenge’ or something like that.
Could we have a recurring thread like this? It helps to keep the community lively, and would allow for fresh news / updates
You could use a tool like this, or post manually?
Yeah I could do that
Check out the Canadian matrix instance Pendora.io located in Ontario.
I’m new here and don’t completely get how all of this works yet, but some way to label?/sidebar?/wiki? local products for the provinces. Not all brands are available everywhere in Canada, though that might start to change with bringing down the internal trade barriers.
I’m not against the idea, but I’m not sure how I’d be able to implement it. Most product suggestions come from the users here so all I could really do is ask people to include if the product they’re recommending is exclusive to a specific province. I suppose I could add that to the rules. I will eventually have a master post with a bunch of Canadian alternatives and I could include province-specific labels at that time though
Just wanted to say thank you. I can only imagine what it would take to make it work, being new here.
It’s been a pretty pleasant community to moderate so far, which helps a lot. Turns out a community made of mostly Canadians talking positive about Canadian products leads to a nice and welcoming environment. Who would’ve thought?
One of the other mods is québécois so I have to contact them about translating anything I want to add to the sidebar since I want it to be fully bilingual. I’ll message them later on today about adding something requesting province-specific recommendations to indicate which province they’re available in
Hi there! First, thanks for running this community, it’s been great to see all the Canadian pride and brands!
A few thoughts: With a few volunteers, I wonder if we could make a big old wiki or site with various options. (If so, should we organize it with similar categories to one of the buy canada websites so that we can update from them and vice versa?)
To win any war, we need allies. I imagine a lot of us are subscribed to BuyEuropean, I wonder if it might be worthwhile to also create a third community, /BuyUnAmerican or somesuch and try to find replacements for as much as possible?
Happy to help however I can!
I like the idea of a Wiki. There are several things I’d like to easily search like what is made locally, which companies have a poor track record in worker rights and so on. Would be nice to start getting this information organized and crowdsourced.
BuyUnAmerican or somesuch and try to find replacements for as much as possible?
There’s a community for that called !boycottus@lemmy.ca
Love it, thank you!
Hey! Thanks for the suggestions, I appreciate it!
I’d be open to a wiki, if someone else could do it. I’m not the most tech-savvy, but I’d happily link to it or whatever I need to do to make it visible to this community.
In the sidebar I’m going to add a few related communities for folks to check out. Look for that shortly. If you notice any are missing, feel free to let me know. You can reply to this comment or reach out to me directly. Either is fine.
Hi there, sorry for the delay!
I’ve never built a wiki, nor have any clue how to do it but I’ll start looking into it and then circle back to the community seeking out feedback about organization/layout and any other design or UX stuff we should consider.
Edit: One other thing, do we have a way to automatically cross-post submissions to this community to say, !boycottus@lemmy.ca ? (This seems like a mod ability or some such?)
I don’t think there’s an auto cross post feature, at least not that I know of. Mod abilities here are more rudimentary than on Reddit for sure. I’ll look into it though
How about a permanent central place where we can find a well organized list of Canadian substitutes.
It’s nice to have questions posted with comments answered inside them, but soon, newcomers may start repeating the questionscentral place where we can find a well organized list of Canadian substitutes
There’s several websites that do that, so maybe just a list of links to those sites and let them do the heavy lifting.
I like the idea but I’m not sure how easy it will be to compile a list of that size. I’m definitely open to it, and might start writing down some products as I see them posted here, and maybe in the future make a giant list of recommended substitutes. Maybe for now I’ll look for a website that does something similar and link to it, until I can get a good list of my own
Maybe a pinned list of sites that do the same thing lie u/LimpRimble mentioned would be easier. Pinning the list to the top would make it easier for people to start finding substitutes without needing to ask
I like that idea, I’ll do it after work today
Hi. Once the weather improves could there be some way we could document local farmers markets across the country? Buying local is the best thing we could do for our farmers, we just need to harness this platform to make the information available. 🇨🇦
That sounds like a great idea. I’ll see what I can do
I’d suggest to have several tags, like [PR] = Product Recommendation [HS] = Help Needed, [Travel] [Food] etc.
Like https://lemmy.ca/c/bapcsalescanada they have [CPU] [GPU] [Monitor]
But I’m not sure how should we organize these tags