In a sweeping interview, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the health and human services secretary, outlined a strategy for containing the measles outbreak in West Texas that strayed far from mainstream science, relying heavily on fringe theories about prevention and treatments.
He issued a muffled call for vaccinations in the affected community, but said the choice was a personal one. He suggested that measles vaccine injuries were more common than known, contrary to extensive research.
He asserted that natural immunity to measles, gained through infection, somehow also protected against cancer and heart disease, a claim not supported by research.
He cheered on questionable treatments like cod liver oil, and said that local doctors had achieved “almost miraculous and instantaneous” recoveries with steroids or antibiotics.
This again is literally what he said in the aftermath of Samoa, victim blaming. “Those ~6000 people that got the measles and 83 people who died were at fault because they were malnourished, not because I mislead them with fearmongering and faulty statistics”. Never mind that once the island widely adopted vaccination in the aftermath of my nonsense measles once again disappeared
The man is a murderer with a confirmed body count and instead of accountability he continues to gain notoriety
The fact that he’s done this twice now is outrageous. And I don’t think people talk about it enough.
Way more than twice. Samoa is just a case study that is very publicized because the impact is easy to directly measure given it was an island
He is prominent and visible and uses that visibility to purposely misled. He is not just “some guy”. He has chaired foundations with serious money behind them based on these beliefs. He writes pseudoscientific articles (and promotes the work of others that do the same). Articles that have a “sciencey tone” but are fairly easily discredited by anyone with a pulse and a background in biology, statistics, medicine, etc. Lazy and corrupt journalism has platformed him and his foundation for almost a decade now because they can’t be bothered to do even basic fact checking. Salon had to retract an article he wrote because it was so misleading. Rolling stone published the same article but didn’t bother to retract it.
When called out on his paper being full of errors and bullshit he claimed government conspiracy on Joe Rogan. He exhibited similar behavior in his confirmation hearing, pulling a bullshit paper from a fake journal and when people tore it to shreds online, why couldn’t he find research in a reputable journal like nature, etc he went back to that bullshit conspiracy argument. The government wants your children to have autism you see, even though thimerosal isn’t in vaccines anymore (and never caused autism to begin with)
He was one of the loudest voices against Covid vaccines. And his voice was one of the ugliest. He consistently stokes racial tensions with his anti vaccination arguments. He suggested it was racially motivated loudly and publicly. He was one of 12 people responsible for 65% of anti vaccination content on instagram. This isn’t directly measurable like Samoa but given the us Covid death toll he very much caused preventable death, again. And shocker, he’s also anti 5G
On the racism bit he actively targets black americans with anti vaccination propaganda. His “foundation” specifically releases literature and media linking vaccines to the concept of medical racism and Tuskegee. He takes advantage of pain felt by marginalized communities to advance his agenda even though it puts said communities in danger
And for some icing on the cake he denies the link between HIV and AIDS and advocates against retrovirals.
People talk about the worm in his brain and all that nonsense but they don’t talk about the 14 years of drug addiction (and probably much longer). By all accounts Kennedy started doing drugs and acting out in his teens with basically no consequences. His reward for acting like a shithead, doing heroin and cocaine, stealing shit, vandalizing property, etc? Getting to go to harvard because of nepotism and then become a rich lawyer. He claims he got clean after he got caught for possession of heroin in the 80s. He did a single rehab program. I have worked in rehab, it is extremely uncommon that someone with a 15 year addiction quits after one go. Especially someone with a shitload of money.
I would not be surprised if he switched to pharmaceuticals and considered that “quitting” as it “legitimized” his addiction (even though taking 20 adderall a day isn’t how it’s supposed to work) and then eventually cleaned up his act later on. It would explain why he is so vehemently opposed to stimulants for psychiatric treatment: “I couldn’t handle taking one or two a day so obviously no one can, this shit is poison!” type projection. Obviously this is conjecture though.
I have a great deal of sympathy for people who struggle with addiction and I don’t care if you do drugs but at some point my sympathy stops. The Kennedy family created a monster by giving him unfettered access to resources and 0 consequences for shitty behavior. Now he’s still very rich (est net worth of 20-30 million) and he uses that to fuck over countless people. Fuck him
Thanks for that insightful response. Do you think they put him in his current position because of nepotism too? Because I’m suspecting they genuinely picked him for his portfolio. An epidemic would grant the current administration much more power.
Truthfully I think he was someone that was cutting into trumps base of conspiracy nuts. at the same time I wonder if he was someone funded or otherwise heavily encouraged by a state actor hostile to america that needed a useful idiot (or a willing accomplice, depending on his culpability) to help destabilize america further.
Neptotism was always a factor though. His foundation only ever got off the ground because of Kennedy money and connections. He was picked in part because he was in a place to run but he was in a place to run because of a lifetime of nepotism
I’m still waiting for that natural immunity to ebola to kick in. Am I malnourished?
At this point I don’t think Trump really cares for RFK Jrs viewpoints, but he admires the hell out of his complete disconnect with reality.
He’s well-positioned to kill even more people than ever before. Who knows, he might kill even more than little d did in his first term…
“Hey, hey, RFKJ, how many kids have you killed today?” should be his greeting whenever he appears in public.
Right, so you’re going to cut all the programs that give poorer people access to said healthy food and medical care, and then allow the state programs that do that to be refunded, and take it juuuuust a step further by being a fucking idiot and saying measles doesn’t affect healthy people? May the universe hit you with the best of what is out there to humble your old stupid ass, you POS.
Misread the title as “cringe theories”, which I guess still holds to be honest
JFC, this guy.
BUT hE ResiGned fRom antVax NoNpRofIT.
Fucking ingrates.
What a fucking ghoul
Any reason but the real ones. Because the real reason would imply that it is the parents fault that their kids got sick and died, and they don’t want to hear that.
RFK Jr.: “Yes, I am idiot.”
Oh my god. How did we end up here?
TL;DR: Fox News
So much of everything that is awful today originates with Ronnie Raygun and his “revolution”.
Probably social media spreading conspiracies too…
JFK jr. is a warning to the rest of us that anti-corporate, anti-pharma, and anti-government skepticism can devolve into denialism and delusion even for left-thinking people.
HAHAhahahaha Oh man all those kids are gonna die. Ah! Too funn- wait.
Why isn’t anyone stopping this?
Stopping RFK from spreading lies? Or stopping the Texas Measles outbreak?
Ahh, there’s the bullshit I was expecting.