I started playing at the weekend with my teenagers, we’ve agreed to only play DRG when we’re together so no-one goes off ranking up too fast which is what happened when we played Valorant.

We’ve selected classes somewhat randomly, I’m playing engineer, they are driller and gunner.

After about 3 or 4 missions they’ve got to rank 4 and I’m still on 3. I feel like they’re getting more kills because they have more killy weapons (waaagh), is that what the rank system is based on?

If so, have I chosen a class which is slower going or gets better late game? Or, does it not really matter as much as I think? I can see that ranking up means better upgrades, presumably therefore more kills so it could be a feedback loop.

Overall we’ve found it to be great fun as well as a kind of chaotic, screaming mess!

  • jedibob5@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Honestly, rank doesn’t really matter all that much in DRG. Ranks 1-25 get all the standard character unlocks, then you do a promotion assignment which resets your rank to 1, but you keep all unlocks and get an extra active perk slot.

    After the first promotion, all further progression is completely independent of rank. Further promotions will give you a couple of new weapon overclocks, but those can also be obtained through normal gameplay via weekly assignments and/or Deep Dives.

    So yeah, I wouldn’t worry too much about anyone falling behind or racing ahead in rank. Even before the first promotion, the only real difference is that someone might have a few more unlocks that might make them a bit more efficient, but it is absolutely not a barrier to playing together.