They’re functionally the same – smoking plant material in that form factor. But I’ve noticed cigarette smokers tend to hold the cigarette facing out, in between their index and middle finger. Whereas someone smoking a joint would more typically hold it towards their palm, between their thumb and middle or index finger.
Short filter on a joint is easier to hold with fingertips, whereas big filter on a cigarette can be held easily with fingers.
it’s also why it’s changing now! i don’t know about the US, but here in Canada we sell a lot of pre-rolls. They tend to have longer (paper) filters, and they’re easier to hold like one would a cigarette. most people i see here smoke joints like they would a cigarette now. still looks kinda dainty, though :P
I prefer to smoke in the cigarette style and those long cardboard crutches in pre rolls are so nice. I feel like if I’m using my fingertips I have to be real aware of the cherry but between my fingers it’s out of the way and ready for dramatic gesturing.
to me, it’s one of those by-products of legalization that led to a quality of life improvement for us hoser ents.