Post some content here. There are only 6 posts here and why should anyone come here, subscribe and post when the community is basically empty? Give yourself 2-3 weeks. Post relevant and interesting content here. And if this community has some content, then start with whatever promotion the others are recommending
If I’d know you from playing in the sandbox together, I’d now call you a smartass ;)
Thanks for your helpful insights, but I’m not willing to create the content, rather than provide the platform.
It won’t work like that. If you want to start a community, you need to seed a little activity. And by the way, that should be easy. If you’re starting a community about Prague, you seem interested in the city and there is a lot of happening, so just post some articles or threads and you’re good
Post some content here. There are only 6 posts here and why should anyone come here, subscribe and post when the community is basically empty? Give yourself 2-3 weeks. Post relevant and interesting content here. And if this community has some content, then start with whatever promotion the others are recommending
If I’d know you from playing in the sandbox together, I’d now call you a smartass ;) Thanks for your helpful insights, but I’m not willing to create the content, rather than provide the platform.
It won’t work like that. If you want to start a community, you need to seed a little activity. And by the way, that should be easy. If you’re starting a community about Prague, you seem interested in the city and there is a lot of happening, so just post some articles or threads and you’re good
Following your advice - set myself a goal of at least one post / day. Feel free to kick in if you have anything to share.