If you’re in the NYC area, come bid on us April 2 at Animal in Brooklyn.
If not, maybe this is your sign to try out with your local gay rugby team :).
If you’re in the NYC area, come bid on us April 2 at Animal in Brooklyn.
If not, maybe this is your sign to try out with your local gay rugby team :).
Wait, since when is rugby played in the US?
Our team is part of the International Gay Rugby league (IGR), but there are other amateur and professional leagues. In New York alone there are like 10 different clubs - the professional team is the Ironworkers. A lot of folks who play here are European immigrants.
There’s a bunch of local rugby leagues, it’s just not a highly televised national sport.
I’m pretty sure we’ve perfected it here. We call it “hand egg ball” and we dress men in tight spandex pants and grab their butts when not holding the egg.