Frickn white dudes, probly. I once saw an article by a Native American that read like: “We lived with the land, hunted during day, and had sex at night. Only White Man would think he could improve on that.”
Careful with the noble savage fallacy. Europe was constantly ravaged by disease due to animal domestication, in ways the Americas were not. Many Native American civilizations created insane mathematical, ecological, and civil wonders during their existences. They 100% would have used double-blind studies if they had any major reason to advance medicine prior to Europeans bringing plagues.
Frickn white dudes, probly. I once saw an article by a Native American that read like: “We lived with the land, hunted during day, and had sex at night. Only White Man would think he could improve on that.”
Careful with the noble savage fallacy. Europe was constantly ravaged by disease due to animal domestication, in ways the Americas were not. Many Native American civilizations created insane mathematical, ecological, and civil wonders during their existences. They 100% would have used double-blind studies if they had any major reason to advance medicine prior to Europeans bringing plagues.
Hmm hm… And what preventable diseases did people die of? What was the percentage of child death? How many people died from infection due to injury?
Also, blaming this on “white dudes” is throwing every other civilization that developed medicine, farming, and housing under the bus.