Actual vote:
Schumer voted “no” on the bill itself, but “yes” to have a vote on the vote. See below.
TL;DR: the filibuster. The thing the Democrats say they can’t abolish because they need it to block the Republican agenda. Even though they just refused to use it to block a Republican agenda.
Was it hard, though? They had staunch allies across the aisle.
Cuck Schumer should just become a fucking Republican at this point.
Chuck Schumer should just fucking retire.
When the GOP was the minority, spending bills was their cheat code to winning political points. McConnell did it all the time.
It wasn’t. It was strictly performative. The majority of the Democrats are aligned with the Republicans and so a super-majority supports Trump. Why? Because they’re all bought and paid for by the same billionaires.
The same megadonors of both parties
Did I read somewhere it needed 60% majority?
(Edit) I did. Explained here:
What’s even more annoying is that the Senate rule enabling the filibuster can be gotten rid of with a simple majority (not 60%) vote.
The Senate has some weird rules. The vote to approve the bill itself only needed a simple majority. But in order to hold that vote, you first need to hold a different vote to declare that everyone is done talking, and they should just get on with the actual vote already. That vote is what needed 60/100.
The actual vote ended up 54/46, with 2 Democrats voting for it and Rand Paul voting against it (I guess he really doesn’t like these “kick-the-can” resolutions)
Looks like this is the roll call from the first vote (cloture) which needed 60:
And this is the actual vote:
Note that Schumer voted “no” on the actual bill, but “yes” on the vote to have a vote.
Note that Schumer voted “no” on the actual bill, but “yes” on the vote to have a vote.
That’s one hell of a weasel move.
He wanted an excuse to vote yes,
The reason why it was hard is it wasn’t just a CR…
Instead of appropriating funds to specific places, it’s was like 2-3 big piles trump can do with at will.
It’s why a few hours after it passed he closed 7 agencies via EOEdit:
Apparently he still hasn’t signed the CR…