This is why pseudoscience at all levels is dangerous to a modern society. Including “harmless” shit like astrology. It encourages magical thinking and the disregard of science in favor of belief in something that “feels right.”
Take that to its logical conclusion, and people die.
This is why pseudoscience at all levels is dangerous to a modern society. Including “harmless” shit like astrology. It encourages magical thinking and the disregard of science in favor of belief in something that “feels right.”
Take that to its logical conclusion, and people die.
Astrology? Of all things, why point fingers at that? Give me one example on why it may lead to dangerous conclusions.
They already did.
It leads to magical thinking.
That’s a generalization, not an example. What does that even mean or tries to mean?
Astrology also was used by Ronald Reagan, president of the United States, to help decide important issues.
I think that’s good proof it’s fucking dangerous.