For those, who don’t know: There is an app called StreetComplete.

StreetComplete is a mobile app that enhances OpenStreetMap (OSM) by allowing users to contribute to mapping efforts in their local areas. It gamifies the process of collecting and verifying geographic data through simple tasks.

Such simple tasks in StreetComplete could be providing information regarding:

  1. Classifying streets (one-way or not)?

  2. Is an object (e.g. a bench or a trash bin) still there, or was it removed by the city/state?

  3. When does shop XY open and close?

  4. Who is allowed to use the parking lot?

  5. Does a bus station have lights?

  6. Can people with disabilities use the crosswalk?

  7. Is a way for bicycles?

It’s getting warmer outside. Why not going out and playing it bit? It might feel a little bit like Pokemon GO (but compared to it, your location data won’t be sold to Saudi Arabia).

If you usually don’t go outside often or walk around outside often, maybe this could be a motivation/reason…

Official website of StreetComplete with download links:


StreetComplete feature image

If you have already use/played it, what’s your rank?

    1 day ago

    My car died and I’m not currently employed due to disability so I’ve got nothing better to do than to walk around. I combine Street Complete with Randonautica to find new places to go. I’m running out of places with quests near where I live (Dayton, Ohio), it is causing me to exercise more.

      1 day ago

      Have a look at your area on and see if anything is missing. You can add it to the map, and before too long, StreetComplete will have quests based on the new data.

      My area had roads but very few buildings, so now I get quests for the buildings I’ve added based on data that I couldn’t see on the aerial map 🙂

        1 day ago

        I have an OSM account and even resolved a note or two. I’ve cleared every SC quest within a mile+ from my apartment and for the most part things look accurate. There are a couple fixes that need done but I also have severe ADHD. I absolutely WILL mess things up in OSM. That’s why Street Complete is perfect for me, it removes all possibility of me making catastrophic changes erroneously.

        For example, a library near me was torn down and a new one was built across the street from where it was. The old ones location is the new ones parking lot and the new one is where a business used to be. The road and sidewalks around them were also redone in a slightly different layout. I looked into correcting this and quickly learned I’m not capable of fixing it in OSM. I could try. However if it can’t be done in about 45 seconds, I wont finish what I start. I left a note instead, so hopefully someone with that capability does and I can verify it with SC if that ever happens.

          23 hours ago

          That’s fair enough, especially as moving buildings can be quite complex.

          I have ADHD too, but for me getting started is the hard part. Once I get going, I generally find mapping to be quite relaxing. I usually stick to small projects, or ones that scratch that hyperfocus itch, but then don’t go back to them for weeks 🙈

        1 day ago

        It isn’t FLOSS and I think it uses and adds to the aggregated anonymized tracking data from Google. I could be wrong. The developers I feel try too hard to push a mystical connection with the app. Still, it certainly has taken me to amazing places I never knew existed, that are right by where I live. It doesn’t show third party ads but can be annoying with the system it uses to try and sell tokens for the app to be profitable for the devs. That might just be me being cheap though. I can’t afford to spend money on an app at this time so having a full page ad appear every third journey gets old real quick. I really can’t complain though, for as much as I have used it, for free, it has provided a lot of entertainment and adventure.