I love that people think @elonmusk is a valid technical support approach
I know it’s fun to hate on the CyberTruck (absolutely has deserved it), but I’d bet money on this being a 12v battery issue, maybe from improper storage? Only reason I say this is that I have a Kia Soul EV and it gave me pretty much the exact same warning the other day and refused to start. Turned out the 12v battery was dead and that causes all kinds of weird stuff to happen to the electrical systems in the car. Especially considering that the entire electrical system of the CT is consolidated into one wiring harness.
Also, knowing Tesla, attempting to jump the 12v would probably void a warranty.
You just need to seig heil harder, bro
It is definitely a computer. Things just stop working for no obvious reason sometimes.
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
Literally says on the screen “Exiting and Reentering vehicle might restore operation.” I hate the future.
Where does it say that? Can’t see anything.
It’s hard to see but the small notice on the left side with the warning symbol says it. The barely legible text at the bottom.
Ah thanks. I would not have been able to identify that, but makes sense.
Lmao, imagine a car not working because of a software bug. That’s just pathetic.
That’s… Basically every car made in the last 15 years?
Yes and?
The worst bug I had on my car had the onboard computer not starting, and the screen remaining black. It meant I had: no GPS, no music, no backup camera, and no parking sensor.
But apart from that, the car was driving perfectly normal, and all the other features were working as expected.
My car has a 3 finger salute to force reboot the infotainment system.
Oh apparently I have something similar (5s press on the bottom left), it might have worked
My car is built in 2023 (2016 model) and has none of those “features”. The most high tech thing is a USB port.
My 2017 mini hasn’t had anything, even resembling that?
He…he can’t help you. He’s the nepo baby of people who owned blood mines. He doesn’t actually know anything useful. Or care about you.
Mentioning this on Twitter might bring it to his attention and since this is bad PR, he might expedite the complaint so that it gets fixed sooner. That’s probably the thinking here. I’ve seen it happen with companies before
Put it in H!
14 hectares on a single tank of kerosene
It’s running low on crab juice.
Swastidumpster doesn’t really flow. We need alternatives for the cyberclunk. Anyone got suggestions?
I think SwastiCar works really well
Yeah, but that applies to the brand as a whole.
Heil Hauler
‘Deplorean’ is my personal fav followed by ‘Wankpanzer’
Some people use WankPanzer.
Based on Grimes’ tweet maybe the pegwagon?
She said that was fake
Incel camino
IncEl Camino
Oh I like this one.
Or SS for short
Sorry, I meant names that acknowledge Elon’s nazi adoration, like swasticar.
“Let them drive cake” because the thing looks like a bad slice of cake and we all know where things are headed.
Bonus double-entendre that what they’re driving is ass.
RIP bozo (the car)
I mean the guy too, the first logo on his stupidly pretentious website on where he’s been “featured” is fox news. Glad to see his car shut down on him straight off the lot
But they’re not resting in peace. They seem angry.
Yeah no this is sus. How is that screen so dusty when its a new car. I mean fuck tesla, their cars suck ass, but this doesnt make sense.
If you look closely at the second image, it looks like it still has the peelies on it. Those things are dust magnets.
Those peelings are worn to shit. This truck did not come from the factory exactly
They aren’t being cleaned? You think basic maintenance is happening on those trashcans?
The first image says the frunk is open. I’d imagine that would trigger a pull the fuck over message
It’s a button to open the frunk, not a message saying that it’s open. There’s another one for the trunk on the right
That’s a button? Do they just not have UX designers at Tesla?
As with most electronics, the most likely times for failure are shortly after manufacture and years later after use. Failures in the middle are generally rare, hence the warranty.
There are components where quality testing can only give a pass/fail so there’s no way to know that it barely passed until it fails shortly after.
This isn’t unique to Tesla, or even EVs. This happens with nearly all electronics. Many things can be tested more thoroughly and have lower quality limits set above what’s actually required, but some stuff just can’t be tested like that ahead of time.
And there’s always just real life. They could have driven it home and parked near to a packrat who decided that a wiring harness looked like a good snack overnight. The car can’t tell that a rat ate the wiring, it will just give generic errors for whatever isn’t working right. Is that likely? No, but it is possible, and not something we would be able to tell from screenshots of the generic error screen telling the driver to schedule service.
This happens with nearly all electronics.
This happens to nearly all complex systems. It’s called the Bathtub Curve: infant mortality at the beginning of an item’s life, and after a relatively problem-free interval, a steady increase in problems that accelerates once it’s past its planned-obsolescence point.