There are reasons why influential or knowledgeable Americans are staying silent as the worsening fascist dictatorship of the Trumpsters and Musketeers gets more entrenched by the day. Most of these reasons are simple cover for cowardice.
There are reasons why influential or knowledgeable Americans are staying silent as the worsening fascist dictatorship of the Trumpsters and Musketeers gets more entrenched by the day. Most of these reasons are simple cover for cowardice.
The Americans won’t stand up for themselves because they don’t have spines. They’d rather accept the new status quo, that being fascism, from the comfort of their couches than go outside and make some noise.
Well, certainly true to some degree. There’s also the issue of police brutality, “counter-protests”, and the fact that peaceful protest in the US does fuck-all because corporate and government power structures are beholden only to shareholders and not constituents.
If peaceful protests don’t work that leaves only one option.
And no, that option is not “do nothing.”