have all Palestine protesters migrate to lemmy now
Didn’t the US embargo Cuba for like half a century?
Genocide is against international law, too.
Aren’t the ICJ, ICC and UNSC institutions of international law? And haven’t they ruled over and over again that the settlements, occupations, blockades, and blocking of humanitarian aid to Palestine have been violations of international law?
The international courts are courts in name only. They don’t have power because it is by design and thus any rulings are non-binding. The only real power there is is the UNSC, and it is extremely corrupt as everyone knows.
It sounds like for you the signature of legitimacy is not the soundness of legal judgments as developed within consensus and consent and principle based deliberation, but their enforceability with weapons. And so I think we probably have diametrically opposite ideas of what renders laws legitimate.
This comment reads like it was written by somebody who has only ever read books and never experienced the truth of “Might Makes Right.”
Just because he was an authoritarian communist doesn’t mean Mao was incorrect when he said that all political power derives from the barrel of a gun.
Similarly, a law means absolutely nothing if it has no teeth, no consequences if broken.
A court of experts may very well come to a consensus on a ruling. But if they have no way to enforce that ruling, or carry out sentencing, what good is it? It’s essentially just virtue signaling at that point.
Not the person you replied to, and I am not trying to sound elitist, but a lot of people have ill-informed views. If they simply didn’t know before, it’s okay; but a lot people proudly prance as if they’re right, when their views are Twitter-takes instead of coming from expert sources.
I did not make the rules, the ruling class did. If you are not aware, the UN is never meant to have legal power. Why do you think the UN General Assembly “pass” resolutions in favour of the oppressed (stopping the war in Ukraine , lifting sanctions on Cuba, stopping the Israeli settlement on Palestinian lands, declaring the war on Iraq as illegal), and yet nothing happened?
The UN is meant to be a “platform” for diplomacy, not act as the world government. If you read more about international “law”, the more you will realise how farcical and practically nonexistent it is. The terms accords, agreement and treaty don’t mean the same thing in international “law”. The United States even repeated several times they will invade The Hague should the international courts prosecute any American citizens.
Notice I have put quotations on some words, which is to highlight that in practice, they don’t have binding power and therefore don’t mean anything.
Rule number 1 of international law is that it is not a set of laws, but a set of agreements that don’t have the power of law.
but a set of agreements that don’t have the power of law.
Rule of law is about having a culture of respect for law as a legitimate product of democratic institutions. If law is only real to you because it’s “real” in the sense of boots, batons and assault rifles, the ‘power’ you are interested in is not the power of law.
That sounds a lot like the US constitution, amirite?
Please save me from this waking nightmare
Oh, you say genocide and use of starvation as a weapon of war is against international law too? WE CANNOT HAVE THE SOVEREIGNTY OF ISRAEL QUESTIONED.
Needs more “trump is all your fault because you wanted representation in government” gaslighting IMO
They have no issues with sanctions on Cuba and NK, right?
Considering even this:
UN General Assembly calls for US to end Cuba embargo for 29th consecutive year
https://news.un.org/en/story/2021/06/1094612But if Democrats do it it is the lesser evil. If the Houthis do it, it is terrorism and you can’t support that.
Thank you!
That’s not how the meme works
176 upvotes say the meme is working like that.
What if we just want to make you think that?
Upvotes as a source of truth! This is why /r/the_donald was such a reliable source of truth