well Amerikkka has been a genocidal colonial project since day 0 that hardly ever was a functioning democracy (two party state much?), de facto has an elected Monarch and it’s the worst thing to happen to humanity right after the British empire and the Third Reich (in that order; Spanish, French and Portuguese ones’ trail (this is my personal ranking, I’m also not perfectly versed in that part of history just fyi))
btw it also was – in same aspects – the primary inspiration for the German fascists who applauded it for it’s history of slavery, racial laws and “manifestation of destiny” (that’s where the concept of “Lebensraum” comes from btw: “slaughter the untermensch indigenous slavic population to make place for the white German master race”)
also ye, bourgeois democracy is just a different side of the capitalist coin that flips to fascism in the instant capital feels too threatened
edit: forgot to use “Amerikkka” instead of “USA” lol
well Amerikkka has been a genocidal colonial project since day 0 that hardly ever was a functioning democracy (two party state much?), de facto has an elected Monarch and it’s the worst thing to happen to humanity right after the British empire and the Third Reich (in that order; Spanish, French and Portuguese ones’ trail (this is my personal ranking, I’m also not perfectly versed in that part of history just fyi))
btw it also was – in same aspects – the primary inspiration for the German fascists who applauded it for it’s history of slavery, racial laws and “manifestation of destiny” (that’s where the concept of “Lebensraum” comes from btw: “slaughter the untermensch
indigenousslavic population to make place for thewhiteGerman master race”)also ye, bourgeois democracy is just a different side of the capitalist coin that flips to fascism in the instant capital feels too threatened
edit: forgot to use “Amerikkka” instead of “USA” lol