I’ve been really enjoying the Mandalay, but I also really like the Python MK2 for combat. There will also always be a place in my heart for the DBX tho.
Corvette for combat and overall favorite. Cutter for laser mining and now general purpose hauling now that mining is dead.
Anaconda for exploration, beautiful ship, and with the jump range and dual AFMUs and a massive scoop.
And of course, the Victory-Class carrier. It allows our entire friends group a place of rest and allows us to pick up new friends who want to come with us on deep space voyages :)
Cobra 5 everything, [= except hauling. For hauling I have the T8. I don’t like any of the large ships; they are just too slow.
Python Mk2. Great handling, very tough. It lets me do everything possible in a combat ship without compromises.
I used to be a committed multirole ship user, doing everything in my Cutter and before that Anaconda, Clipper, Python, AspX, etc. But these days I’m entirely specialized.
If I’m not flying the Python Mk2, I’m flying my Type 8 to do Power Play. SCO boost, maneuverable for a freighter, lots of cargo space and slots for various tasks.
Most fun for me are the Sidewinder and now the Cobra V. I like maneuverability. For combat yes, it’s the Phyton 2. But atm I use the T9 most for colonization hauling 🥲