GOP then: “i’m voting for trump because he’ll make everything cheaper!!!”
GOP now: “REAL americans are happy to overpay for everything for dear great leader trump!!!”
Okay this is not really that relevant here…but my father who works for the government in one of those everyone is probably getting fired soon but who knows… Anyway I was talking on the phone with him and he said “I’m worried about my job I don’t know what I would do … but I’m glad they are getting rid of all that waste in the government spending”
It’s gobsmacking how brainless the cultists have become.
They are brainwashed in the cult, and they are hoping this narrative works… This is the point where they have to see just how far the lemmings will walk to the edge
- it’s not happening
- it’s not our fault
- it’s not that bad <— WE ARE HERE…
- it’s too expensive to fix
- it’s too late
This but Climate Change
Move it down one notch for climate change. :)
Nah they are pushing back up to the first notch
We’re at the it’s too late stage for that though :(
Oh yeah, I just meant that in terms of how conservatives talk about it. We finally passed the “it’s not our fault” with them several years back and we’re still on “it’s not that bad” and walking right up to “it’s too expensive to fix.”
Once they finally admit it’s too late, it will be because they’ve firmly turned to ecofascism with the argument “Only WE are so smart and clever as to know how to properly dole out what’s left of dwindling resources effectively and efficiently!” which is code for “We want to party until the planet burns and nobody is going to stop us!”
It may be too late to prevent the fallout entirely, but it’s never too late to mitigate at least some of the damage.
That’s called a cult
I called this in a comment a few weeks ago. It’s going to be a badge of honor for some of them.
Convince me think isn’t a deranged cult.
Republicans in 2025: Paying high taxes on essential goods to Own the Libs!!!
- Dying of covid to own the libs.
- Losing their jobs to own the libs.
- Losing their social security to own the libs.
- Losing their health care to own the libs.
- Breathing increased pollution to own the libs.
- Paying higher prices to own the libs.
Shooting themselves in the foot over and over… “Ha! Take that libs!”
(Sooooo much winning /s)
They only care because then you’ll be captive to buying the shitty products they control in the US. That’s the entire grift.
They can’t control international goods at lower prices, so they’ll force you back to buying from the already wealthy in control of goods and resources here.
Definitely looks like the end game here. Privatize everything and profit off of it in as many ways possible.
To be fair if Trump causes fuel prices to skyrocket he might go down as one of the greenest presidents in recent history.
What if they reduce climate impacts by engineering a global famine?
I think billionaires finally admitted to themselves that the world’s economies, ecological systems, and countries population trajectories were fundamentally broken, and our flawed democratic institutions were not cut out for fixing any of these existential problems.
This is part panic, cannibalizing, and power consolidation.
So they want the Dollar to be like the Japanese Yen?
I’m certainly welcoming their pain.