Yay! I get to repost my comment about Disco Season 5 that got me banned from Ten Forward:
Regarding how the writers failed with their Spore Drive conclusion in Season 5:
The idea of the lone inventor wasn’t even true a hundred years ago. When I took a history of technology class at University over 30 years ago, that fact was driven into us. All discoveries are the result of researchers standing on the shoulders of giants. Destroying all Spore drive research is meaningless because there are hundreds of billions of people spread across thousands of planets. The Federation isn’t even the entire Alpha quadrant so there are hundreds of billions of other people with no restrictions. So someone else is going to almost immediately re discover spore drive because the technology and knowledge base for its discovery are built into society.
I hope the above opinion doesn’t get me banned here too.
Yay! I get to repost my comment about Disco Season 5 that got me banned from Ten Forward:
Regarding how the writers failed with their Spore Drive conclusion in Season 5:
The idea of the lone inventor wasn’t even true a hundred years ago. When I took a history of technology class at University over 30 years ago, that fact was driven into us. All discoveries are the result of researchers standing on the shoulders of giants. Destroying all Spore drive research is meaningless because there are hundreds of billions of people spread across thousands of planets. The Federation isn’t even the entire Alpha quadrant so there are hundreds of billions of other people with no restrictions. So someone else is going to almost immediately re discover spore drive because the technology and knowledge base for its discovery are built into society.
I hope the above opinion doesn’t get me banned here too.