Grifters gonna grift
Because Musk has mad conflicts of interest
A laundry list
That’s just the new direct line to our great comrade Putties poot.
They have zero idea. It’s bidirectional satellite, and not low-latency, so…ELON SAID SO
Eh, it’s decently low latency. Around 40ms or so. That doesn’t make it useful for them though. There’s absolutely no -legitimate- reason for it in the white house. As for illegitimate reasons, why could Musk possibly want a connection inside the white house that has no oversight other than his own…?
60+Ms at a minimum is not low latency. What are you on about? I have 10ms from coast to coast on residential fiber.
Government installs which were previously on fiber are being switched to this bullshit. Fiber international interconnect to Australia right now is 13ms from DC to Sydney. Big fucking difference.
15,700+km from DC to Sydney, which is 52+ms at light speed…
It might depend on location and congestion, but usually it is under 25ms on average.
“Are you suggesting I don’t understand Wi-Fi?”, US Press secretary… Probably
Ominous voice: “She doesn’t.”
Like his semen he spreads his companies everywhere.
It’s in series for rubes.
It’s a good backup internet service to avoid BIFF. But it reads like they are piping in internet from a datacenter, so just using starlink as an ISP.
Why? $$$. I bet the whitehouse spends a lot on internet.
Also, it’s probably really easy to perform traffic inspection using starlink vs an established, regulated ISP.