i think there are shills in both direction and the leftist shills, bernie and aoc, are shilling… again… for the democratic party even though neither will be the next nominee
American politics are two billionaire children in a trenchcoat trying to emotionally appeal to two groups by claiming one group is oppressing the other group into poverty through two millionaire children in a trenchcoat making claims that they keep saying through a bullhorn funded by billionaires, until you either burn somebody’s Tesla or hate that a Black person can get into Harvard with lower test scores than an Asian.
We deserve the fall of Rome and anyone who disagrees is problematic to a fucntional society.
Not even the Democrats could do this with a Democrat controlled Congress and presidency
many of them are dinos, shills for the gop anyways, wouldnt have gotten anything done anyways.
i think there are shills in both direction and the leftist shills, bernie and aoc, are shilling… again… for the democratic party even though neither will be the next nominee
They wouldn’t want to do that because it would not serve their self-interests.
Do you honestly expect the fox to prevent itself from guarding the henhouse?
yet, americans think that they’re a valid alternative to the rebublican wolves nonetheless
American politics are two billionaire children in a trenchcoat trying to emotionally appeal to two groups by claiming one group is oppressing the other group into poverty through two millionaire children in a trenchcoat making claims that they keep saying through a bullhorn funded by billionaires, until you either burn somebody’s Tesla or hate that a Black person can get into Harvard with lower test scores than an Asian.
We deserve the fall of Rome and anyone who disagrees is problematic to a fucntional society.
deserved or not, it’s coming and can only be delayed by another welfare state like fdr did during the depression
couldwantThe democrats are cowards, the republicans are evil. If there ever is another proper election in the US, vote independent.
it worked for mexico almost 10 years ago.
that is, until we regime change them… again.