The Robot Revolution: Written by Russell T Davies, directed by Peter Hoar
Lux: Written by Russell T Davies, directed by Amanda Brotchie
The Well: Written by Russell T Davies & Sharma Angel Walfall, directed by Amanda Brotchie
Lucky Day: Written by Pete McTighe, directed by Peter Hoar
The Story & the Engine: Written by Inua Ellams, directed by Makalla McPherson
The Interstellar Song Contest: Written by Juno Dawson, directed by Ben A. Williams
Wish World: Written by Russell T Davies, directed by Alex Sanjiv Pillai
The Reality War: Written by Russell T Davies, directed by Alex Sanjiv Pillai
I had to look up Peter Hoar and, mea culpa, he did that episode of “Last of us”… I think we’re in good hands.
Some of the episode titles make me unreasonably curious where this is going. “The well”? Please be a deep reference to The ring, although I know it won’t be.
“The story & the engine” sounds like writer’s jargon, and could be an interesting metafictional take. But again, probably not. Maybe it’s an update on the Land of Fiction from the Troughton/Hines run. That would be lovely, and cause for another Tale from the TARDIS.
“Wish world”/“Reality war” — after last season’s less than epic finale I’ll reserve judgement, but it does sound cautiously promising!
Tempered expectations re: RTD finales are good policy.
I think the titles as a whole are…fine. Nothing too attention-grabbing for me, but perfectly cromulent.