The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 28.08.23 were approximately:

  • personnel - about 261310 (+490) people / persons,
  • tanks - 4400 (+4) units,
  • armored personnel carriers - 8562 (+8) units
  • artillery systems - 5425 (+22) units,
  • MLRS - 730 (+2) units,
  • air defense systems / Anti-aircraft warfare systems - 499 (+1) units
  • aircraft - 315 (+0) units
  • helicopters - 316 (+0) units,
  • UAV operational-tactical level - 4383 (+5),
  • cruise missiles - 1415 (+4),
  • ships / boats / warships / boats - 18 (+0) units,
  • vehicles and fuel tanks - 7866 (+12) units,
  • special equipment - 809 (+1).

Data are being updated.

  • @trslim
    21 year ago

    When Ukraine says casualties, do they mean KIA, or KIA, MIA, WIA and POW? I’m curious, because either way, this has been disastrous for Russia, but one is quite a bit worse than the other.

    • BombOmOm
      21 year ago

      They use the term ‘liquidated’, which seems to most closely align with estimates from other countries as KIA + WIA + POW.

      • @trslim
        21 year ago

        Ah thanks for explaining! I was never sure what liquidated meant.

  • BombOmOm
    11 year ago

    Man, they just continue to pound those artillery systems. Ever since the first mechanized pushes failed; primarily due to Russian artillery, they have focused hard on counter-battery.