I hated Myst as a kid. Not just because I disliked the gameplay, but because its inexplicable popularity heralded a shift in the adventure game market. Instead of more Sierra or LucasArts-type games, there were, for years, scads of shitty, boring Myst-likes.
Myst’s “inexplicable popularity”, along with games similar to it, was partially due to the advent of CD-ROMs becoming a viable medium for games. These games came out just before 3D graphics hit gaming. Myst was released at the same time as Doom. So these games existed in a time where CDs could hold much more data than disks, but most games were still 2D. So “pretty slideshow” games (along with FMVs) were a legitimate innovation at the time.
I hated it too. Not for any of the valid reasons you have though…
We didn’t have a PC powerful enough to play Myst. So I’d have to go play it at the library and remember to bring my floppy so I could have my save. But the library’s copy had a scratch on the disc, and it would always freeze/crash half way through. Hit that point twice, and I’ve never played it since…
I hated Myst as a kid. Not just because I disliked the gameplay, but because its inexplicable popularity heralded a shift in the adventure game market. Instead of more Sierra or LucasArts-type games, there were, for years, scads of shitty, boring Myst-likes.
Myst’s “inexplicable popularity”, along with games similar to it, was partially due to the advent of CD-ROMs becoming a viable medium for games. These games came out just before 3D graphics hit gaming. Myst was released at the same time as Doom. So these games existed in a time where CDs could hold much more data than disks, but most games were still 2D. So “pretty slideshow” games (along with FMVs) were a legitimate innovation at the time.
Has anyone remade myst in powerpoint?
I hated it too. Not for any of the valid reasons you have though…
We didn’t have a PC powerful enough to play Myst. So I’d have to go play it at the library and remember to bring my floppy so I could have my save. But the library’s copy had a scratch on the disc, and it would always freeze/crash half way through. Hit that point twice, and I’ve never played it since…