In 2016, UK tabloid the Sun ran a stunning headline that also went around the socials earlier this year: “REVEALED: Women will be having more sex with ROBOTS than men by 2025”. Incredible! As in, n…
I threw away my Fleshlight after a handful of uses because it wasn’t worth the hassle of cleaning and maintenance. Imagine what you’d have to do to a full fledged fuckbot to keep it sanitary. I also didn’t like the idea of dying in a car accident or whatever and having my mother find my fake vagina under the bed. This would again be even sadder as a fuckbot.
I can get by with lube and my imagination for masturbatory needs if I have to but will go as far as a VR headset for immersive porn. Anything beyond that is too much unless somebody invents the Holodeck/Matrix while my dick continues to work which is unlikely. Sexbot is a hard pass.
I’d assume in the fuckbot fantasy it cleans itself, and folds your laundry, and tells you did a good job. And hell, it also flies, fights aliens, makes fuck everybody money, and can go faster than the speed of light.
I threw away my Fleshlight after a handful of uses because it wasn’t worth the hassle of cleaning and maintenance. Imagine what you’d have to do to a full fledged fuckbot to keep it sanitary. I also didn’t like the idea of dying in a car accident or whatever and having my mother find my fake vagina under the bed. This would again be even sadder as a fuckbot.
I can get by with lube and my imagination for masturbatory needs if I have to but will go as far as a VR headset for immersive porn. Anything beyond that is too much unless somebody invents the Holodeck/Matrix while my dick continues to work which is unlikely. Sexbot is a hard pass.
I’d assume in the fuckbot fantasy it cleans itself, and folds your laundry, and tells you did a good job. And hell, it also flies, fights aliens, makes fuck everybody money, and can go faster than the speed of light.
also reminds you about upcoming meetings and gives a weather summary