I thought there is no such thing as climate change. They’ve been denying it for 50 years. So why would they need immunity from prosecution for their part in an entirely natural/imaginary process?
This is an overt call to violence
I don’t remember any scenes in Mad Max where there was a happy rich person living in their perfectly intact mansion with servants and a well manicured lawn.
The solution to this problem isn’t to ask a corrupt government to save you. They’ve already proven their word is worth jack by reversing policies of the previous administration. You should instead be trying everything possible to stop climate change. Including throwing money at the problem.
Whatever’s left of society won’t care that you’re immune to lawsuits. People who have never seen a tomato don’t care if you worked hard to get your fancy stuff. They’re just hungry.
I can’t fathom how these people can be so short sighted. Everyone knows it’s them and their genocidal policies that are to blame. They will be the first in the cooking pot when the supermarket shelves start to empty.
money, coctails named after diplomats; whatever.
For anyone who is working in the oil industry: as things get worse and more people are impacted by climate change more and more, you’re who those effected will come after. Not the CEOs high up and out of reach - it’s gonna be you guys operating the rigs, inspecting the pipelines, driving the tankers, operating the plants, and crunching the numbers. It’s going to be you who gets targeted because you’re the ones with the logo stamped on your uniforms.
When the food starts running out, legal immunity won’t do shit.
maybe we should try to keep it from getting to that point?
like, we could. we could skip the part where the living envy the dead. or at least try skipping that part?
I skimmed over your line “living envy the dead” - that’s an awesome turn of phrase.
thanks! it’s been kicking around for a while; I just picked it up.
I’m sure many (most?) people would want to stop/reduce climate change before this gets worse.
However line-must-go-up capitalism says no, because money.
Under our current capitalist system, until it affects quarterly reporting I don’t see significant change coming from corporations. On the contrary, corporations will resist change because change is risky and expensive.
the way you skip the part where the living envy the dead is by killing billionaires.
the end result, if we fail, is the same as if we never tried, but maybe less miserable and drawn out.
Nothing we could conceivably do could ever possibly prevent that entirely. Shit is going to get BAD no matter what we do. We are still maybe able to prevent our extinction/near-extinction in the coming centuries. But famine and disease will be rampant once again in every country. Borders will be guarded with machine guns that are used liberally in many modern western countries.
I did say try.
and centuries. plural. that’s pretty optimistic.
Well think it through. Even if the world heats up by 10°C, Antarctica will still be at a livable temperature. People will eek out an existence there like living on Mars, with greenhouses and suits to go outside. It won’t last forever though. Civilization collapse within 50 years, but full extinction will take some time.
Could this be the real reason Trump is adamant about annexing Groenland and Canada?
I have considered it as a reason his masters planted that in his head, yes. Or it could just be something he said once and then dementia latched on to it.
yeah I don’t think it’s going to be 200 years.
our ecosystems are a lot more fragile than you think. there are more moving parts than you think of. things like soil microbiomes and air composition. 10c would ruin everything. temperature effects everything.
but also our climate is a lot more volatile than we previously thought. just about every year we learn about a new black swan ‘we are fucked’ from climate scientists. a new feedback loop, a new ledge we’re about to jump off. humanity might live another 100 years, in some ragged fucked capacity like you said, but it will not live 200.
I am fully on board with you. When I said humanity would live a few hundred years I meant “there is at least one human alive in some vault somewhere.” It’s entirely possible that you are right, and it’s certain that 99% will be dead in the time you laid out, I just think that it’s surprisingly difficult to kill 100% of anything.
When all legal options are extinguished, they might start to suffer illegal consequences that will make them reconsider their prior actions.
That leaves it to the people to hold them accountable.
Politicians must heed the call. That’s why we hired them. And Politicians DGAF.
People must work and buy more plastic crap. /s
Gave it to the gun lobby, might as well give it to them too. More externalities means better capitalism you know? The tragedy of the commons is the goal. Burn it all.
LoL! Our Government is so NOT CORRUPT that I DOUBT they would Let their Donors GET AWAY with Killing MILLIONS of Americans including Women and Children WITHOUT Consequence!
That won’t stop people trying to stop them, only get rid of the options that tge companies themselves would prefer.
But anybody stupid enough to do what they’re doing is unlikely to do a 180. But maybe something can still get them to be reasonable. I hope so, because all the alternatives suck.
You realize they’ll have legions of morons with itchy trigger fingers lined up to defend them right?
My father is one of them.
I wish he’d at least have the spine to get paid to do it, but I figure they have kompromot on him at this point.
Then we shall die on our feet.
Well it affects their bottom line, wont someone think about the profit margins?