In perhaps his most disappointing policy announcement thus far, Carney has indicated he will scrap the Liberal’s plan to increase the capital gains inclusion rate. This mildly progressive measure was directed squarely at the passive incomes of the wealthiest sliver of Canadians and would have served as a healthy revenue generator. Instead, it’s destined for the scrapheap.
Please please please people don’t parrot brain-dead American takes that not voting for Carney is voting for PP. We are running a parliamentary election in a Westminster system. There is no single election, there are 338 elections. We don’t elect a prime minister, we elect a parliament.
Think, and vote strategically.
While it is absolutely true that the blackmail holds in ridings where it’s a competitive Conservative-Liberal race, it is a shit take in ridings where eg the race is between Conservatives and NDP (where Liberals would be the spoiler) or where the race is between the Liberals and the NDP, or the Bloc or the Greens (a Liberal minority dependent on the NDP/BQ/GP is actually a possible outcome that keeps PP out power and can moderate Carney’s neoliberal tendencies).
So, basically if the conservatives have a chance to win your riding, vote whoever has the highest chance to keep them out. Otherwise, vote your conscience.
Vote! It’s as easy as ABC.
Easy as do-re-mi, ABC, 1-2-3, baby you and me!