This just sucks all around. Google is a monopolistic miasma of suck, and the current DoJ is a fascist cesspool of suck. No matter the outcome here, I expect the average person will be the loser, and the billionaires will get richer/more access to our data.
There is one possible bright spot. Google could and should, completely open source all parts of Android. Bringing in all the nature handset manufacturers into a Consortium along with Google to guide and maintain the development. No longer having sole control over it. It’s Google did that they would still retain some control, and be able to stick it to the current administration, while the average user would now have a fully open source Android that would benefit them. But you’re right I don’t really see that happening.
Android is open source except for Google Play Services. Other major companies attempted to gain market share in Android but couldn’t because of the power of Google’s monopoly.
I don’t see how a consortium fixes this.
If only. I had the same thought, except it was somebody like GrapheneOS buying it and open-sourcing it, but it’s still too early to say where things will go.
They unfortunately I don’t think will ever have the kind of money required to do something like that. While Google doesn’t make tons of money from Android itself. It has immense value. Consider Also that large portions of Android already are open sourced. The main problem being Google play services. They keep moving OS functionality from general purpose open libraries into their proprietary ones to maintain control.
All they really need to do is work on undoing that and giving other groups and equal voice on its future and development. Then there isn’t much the fascist government can do. Not that they won’t try and throw a fit. But they’ll do that regardless. But yes pull out as much from the Google Play services as possible and open it up app store wise. Putting other app stores front and center with their own and giving them equal billing. Like F Droid Etc. Which I already use for all of my apps that aren’t needlessly made proprietary. Google would do this if they were smart. It’s a bit of scorched Earth. But that’s the best kind when it comes to fascists. The administration will work hard to get it sold off to an ally and last thing we need is Russia with control over Android LOL
We’ll go from Google sucking up all our data to another entity sucking up all our data and selling it to other people. How much funding does it take to keep Chrome running?
That’s a good question and something that is not going to be easy to find out. You’d have to figure out who inside Google works on it their hourly pay and how many hours Etc they actually spend on it.
Very much doing the right thing for the wrong reasons here.
Agree. Did Google not kiss Trump’s ass enough? Is that why they’re still going after them?
Prolly just a cirle jerk for the plebs tbh…
Kinda like they microshit in 1990s, a lot of drama and then microshit went back to its monopoly ways with better PR team
Good. Fuck these bootlicking losers that just fell to their knees and started working on trump’s orange syphilis dick the moment he stole the election.
I hope the cult breaks up all these spineless corps that put up no resistance against them.
Remember when they all lined up to pay them bribes? I mean, “presidential fund”
That was first bribes. What about second bribes?
Once you have paid the Danegeld, you never get rid of the Dane.
And by “Danegeld” Kipling meant “bribe money” and by “Dane” he meant “the fat orange fascist fuck mob boss 77 million people were too goddamn stupid to realize should be in jail.”
Tesla Chrome and Android by X incoming.
Xhrome and Stardroid, but yeah.
Lmaooo Biden started this so they kissed trump’s ass and now trump is doing it too. Can’t even suck up to a fascist right nevermind make anything of any use to anyone. And did they really think all the years of passive progressiveness and the vomit inducing corpo memphis queer art would be forgiven by the cheeto man himself?
They’ll sell each of them off to be run into the ground by some other billionaires. Both are heavily subsidized by Google’s ad business which is still somewhat unobtrusive up front. As much as Google’s services have degraded, it will be much worse with another company at the helm trying to squeeze as much value out of their investment as possible.
Good I hope chrome does get fucking run into the ground.
Maybe then chromium can have some actual independence and spread its wings.
Ok, coming up next: Thunderfoot (youtuber vocally attacking Musk before it was cool) and several other anti Trump and anti Musk youtubers banned on YouTube. Bernie Sanders and AoC disappear from the Google results… Case is mysteriously dismissed.
Hopefully they ban enough popular people for their switch to a federated video sharing platform to have an impact on viewership.
And hopefully the cost burden of federated video hosting evaporates.
Someone else is going to get richer.