Snow White was written in the early 19th century, it was already public domain when Disney made their original movie. I suppose extending the copyright will keep people from naming their dwarves sleepy and dopey but they can make as many snow whites as they want.
The issue is that Disney’s army of lawyers will claim that any Snow White is based on theirs, not the original fairy tale. And they’ll be able to win it in court, purely by turning the legal fight into a battle of attrition for the defense.
Imagine I make a Mickey Mouse cartoon, based on the original Steamboat Willie character, which is in the public domain. Disney will sue me and claim it is actually based on the modern character. And now it’s up to me to prove in court that it is not infringing on their modern character. And that becomes difficult when the line between the old character and the modern one is so blurred.
Yeah. Stuff added specifically by Disney, like the names and peraonalities of the dwarves. Someone could make their own spin on snow White using only the original story as a basis though.
Snow White was written in the early 19th century, it was already public domain when Disney made their original movie. I suppose extending the copyright will keep people from naming their dwarves sleepy and dopey but they can make as many snow whites as they want.
The copyright though applies to their version of snow white, Disney’s that is. Not the public domain version.
The issue is that Disney’s army of lawyers will claim that any Snow White is based on theirs, not the original fairy tale. And they’ll be able to win it in court, purely by turning the legal fight into a battle of attrition for the defense.
Imagine I make a Mickey Mouse cartoon, based on the original Steamboat Willie character, which is in the public domain. Disney will sue me and claim it is actually based on the modern character. And now it’s up to me to prove in court that it is not infringing on their modern character. And that becomes difficult when the line between the old character and the modern one is so blurred.
Yeah. Stuff added specifically by Disney, like the names and peraonalities of the dwarves. Someone could make their own spin on snow White using only the original story as a basis though.